Lovin This Song :') 天籁传奇 (Sounds of Nature Legend) by 凤凰传奇 (Phoenix Legend)

美丽的草原~ 别说我不在~ 我就是你身边 那一朵云彩~ 不一样的河流, 不一样的山脉. 我想变成一只蝴蝶~ 自由自在! 有一种喜悦 叫做等待~ 有一种幸福 我们都在~
I like that part; There's a type of joy, called; Patience~ There's a type of blessing; we're all here.
So anyway!
My chinese new year week!
well! First off. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!
First 2 days of CNY visit family nia. :O
but today had a great CNY visiting with my friends. from 11am all the way till 6pm. xD
so yeah!
went all the way to matang to meet up, and went to most of our friend's houses up that side all and worked our way down to green road, stapok, all the way till annie's house at 8th mile. :O
:) Falling sicker! but i dont care! XD we went to The Spring after that :)
all helped Jing to buy a present for his mum. we wanted to catch a movie.
But no tix. LOL! so we ate dinner and went back home after finding the gift.
Nothing much to say really. just a really tiring day.
Heard lots of nice songs in Jun Yong's car~ like the own i just mention up top :)
hehe! Overall a great day i guess. :)
I broke down just now... :\ heh! but i Understand alot more after it.
PTL for that I guess. hehe!

美丽的草原~ 别说我不在~ 我就是你身边 那一朵云彩~ 不一样的河流, 不一样的山脉. 我想变成一只蝴蝶~ 自由自在! 有一种喜悦 叫做等待~ 有一种幸福 我们都在~
I like that part; There's a type of joy, called; Patience~ There's a type of blessing; we're all here.
So anyway!
My chinese new year week!
well! First off. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!
First 2 days of CNY visit family nia. :O
but today had a great CNY visiting with my friends. from 11am all the way till 6pm. xD
so yeah!
went all the way to matang to meet up, and went to most of our friend's houses up that side all and worked our way down to green road, stapok, all the way till annie's house at 8th mile. :O
:) Falling sicker! but i dont care! XD we went to The Spring after that :)
all helped Jing to buy a present for his mum. we wanted to catch a movie.
But no tix. LOL! so we ate dinner and went back home after finding the gift.
Nothing much to say really. just a really tiring day.
Heard lots of nice songs in Jun Yong's car~ like the own i just mention up top :)
hehe! Overall a great day i guess. :)
I broke down just now... :\ heh! but i Understand alot more after it.
PTL for that I guess. hehe!