Quiz time, can still hear a bunch of people talkin out loud and stuff.
Disrespectful jor. to both the lecturer n other students.
pfft! Lame! still the quiz only had 2 questions so, its like YAY? ahahax
I think i did good. but i cant be sure..
after class I went to buy me House Of Night Book 5: Hunted, at popular.
and its like wtf. Last 4 books i bought the hardcover it was rm30.
now book 5 is like rm50. wtf? so i bought the soft cover one pfft.
and i saw book 6 hardcover rm30. Lame man! :O
suddenly book 5 hardcover rm50. blueks!
then i headed to McD. had myself mcvalue lunch.
ehehe spending time alone rocks.

were talking amongst themselves n I could hear them gossip about the people around the restaurant.
and I'm like wat the f?!
Just cos u ppl are sitting together in your smart suits, doesnt make u better than everyone else around.
But i kept that to myself. Thinkin' how sad it is that people like that, would never reach full potential in life. unlike... ME! :B
pfft. Went back to class.

Finished up Storyboard for our Sematan trip movie.
its called The Notice (might change soon)
Murder story! we basically just take vid along the the way, like documentary of our field trip.
Then suddenly people get killed one by one, and shyt. blah blah blah.
I'm playin' the murderer. Goodie! :B next week lecturer gonna teach us on Makeup
ahahax, I think its the first time our Lecturer actually going to teach us something interesting :B
ROFL! how to make fake blood is interesting! :X

Kena police tangkap wtf!
for not tyin seatbelts. :X
opps. the police was like, I give u Saman ah. 300 ringgit for not tyin seatbelt.
blah blah blah, kept talking, asking where we heading, show IC, which college blah blah blah.
Then ask, u want me to write you saman? Macurse said obviously, No. The guy said, nvm la, I let u go this time. Just give me kopi-o. then he passed his book into car, and told Macurse to put it inside the book.
(LOL Macurse is the coolest guy i know. For one reason!)
He asked the policeman; "how much?" X_X
the guy said; "Suka Hati you"
LOL! Macurse attempted to put in 5ringgit. AHAHAHA :X
then the guy was like "mana boleh 5 ringgit? Tiada Kopi-O 5ringgit punya."
then Macurse quickly changed it to 10ringgit.
ahahax. :X he said okay, and let us go. pfft!
we went on our way, cursing all the way back home.
and how lame malaysia is. blah blah blah
mehh! usual stuff..
Got home..

found i received a mail from Ling San :DD
my sis from Selangor.
Ahahax, she went to Singapore n sent me a postcard.
there was a rip in the envelop, i didnt care much for it at first.
Then i found out there was suppose to be a keychain inside...
._____.! shyt la... Bad day much?!
damn postman stole my fckin gift from SG. :|
so yeah, my mood isnt at its peak today.
SIGH! disappointed, like to the MAX.
pfft. boxim!
but still, i managed to finished all my flash assignment 1 work. yay?
gonna hand it in to Valerie next week.
next up are my 2D 3D assignments, wooo~ cant wait.. ROFL!
and that's pretty much it.
bluek! eh wait! look at all the sins i posted out!
we've got,
Greed, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy. Woooowwww :\ EPIC!
mehhh! anyway, thats all i've got to say;
peace n love peeps! :D