Wow. Been about a week since I last posted x) Anyway nothing much to say.. I just wanna thank God for placing such great people in my life. ehehe. Lets goto the news on my life :))
The Collision
It was the day, our worlds collided that I was forever bound in this Connection with thee~ ♥ ;)
Like A Dove
Like A Dove
Learning To Not Let Reality Eat Up My Hopes & Dreams.
Campus Ministry On The Rise.
With A New Leader For My Old School's Ministry Too.
May God Bless Them To Bless The Others In SMK Sungai Maong ♥
The Spirit Filled The Air On The 13th, And Like A Dove It Fell From The Sky, Anointing Me From Head To Toe ♥
Twas Amazing Service With Rev.Stephen Goh From CHC (SG)
This pic is dedicated to all my Beloved readers and passerbys~ RAWR~♥♥♥
And the Green is to represent The Green Hornet! LOL!
went to watch it with my Best Friends (Adeline & Erica) last night and Fredrick (feb 16) & An Awesome night it was. I Missed You Guys! :'D Happy To See You All Are Well!
& Hope You (Adel) Have Great Fun at Johor! Come Back Soon Ah! ;)
And and and you're right! We hang out wayyy to little! :X
Lets hang out more when free! hehe XD

Oh Lookie! Now Its PURPLE!
;) Hehe, Lent House Of Night Book 2 to me sis; Mabz ♥♥♥
to be honest I prefer Book 3 ahaha ;) Still Happy that she got her license and new BB.
That she cant stop showing off ~ ahem ahem ahaha ;)

PINK! :) for the sweet people known as my Coursemates! hahas
My friendship with each individual getting more n more better. So not bad la! xD
hehe~ somehow, we feel like one big family ki! I mean reallyy... XD
Even marcurse drive me home ROFL! XD soo nice ah~~ ROFL
to be honest~ i dont know why people always treat me soo nice .__.! very touching!

Wow! Now RED! So Seems Like Every Thurs Lunch I Spend It With Jing, Feng, Eric, Justin & Wesley. Not bad ;) we end up at KimBay again. LOL! Saw Nisha there, waved at her.
Saw Jamie there too, waved at her. SEGi. Its really really like One Big Happy Family.
Anyway! Going for guitar lesson this Sat with Feng! wakaka ;) Cant wait to start.
& Thats it for lifestyle

And the Green is to represent The Green Hornet! LOL!
went to watch it with my Best Friends (Adeline & Erica) last night and Fredrick (feb 16) & An Awesome night it was. I Missed You Guys! :'D Happy To See You All Are Well!
& Hope You (Adel) Have Great Fun at Johor! Come Back Soon Ah! ;)
And and and you're right! We hang out wayyy to little! :X
Lets hang out more when free! hehe XD
Oh Lookie! Now Its PURPLE!
;) Hehe, Lent House Of Night Book 2 to me sis; Mabz ♥♥♥
to be honest I prefer Book 3 ahaha ;) Still Happy that she got her license and new BB.
That she cant stop showing off ~ ahem ahem ahaha ;)
PINK! :) for the sweet people known as my Coursemates! hahas
My friendship with each individual getting more n more better. So not bad la! xD
hehe~ somehow, we feel like one big family ki! I mean reallyy... XD
Even marcurse drive me home ROFL! XD soo nice ah~~ ROFL
to be honest~ i dont know why people always treat me soo nice .__.! very touching!
Wow! Now RED! So Seems Like Every Thurs Lunch I Spend It With Jing, Feng, Eric, Justin & Wesley. Not bad ;) we end up at KimBay again. LOL! Saw Nisha there, waved at her.
Saw Jamie there too, waved at her. SEGi. Its really really like One Big Happy Family.
Anyway! Going for guitar lesson this Sat with Feng! wakaka ;) Cant wait to start.
& Thats it for lifestyle

It released on Valentine's Day :) Same time I got it. It's awesome.
Though I preferred their previous Album (Faith+Hope+Love) more.
Ahaha, I have more fav song on that album than this one.
Still! Its very SpiritLifting :D so Like it! ;) hehe
A Must Hear For Any Christian, So Check It Out!

its an old song by her, (not that old, it was released in 2009)
But not alot of people listened to it then. So bringing it here.
A must hear for anyone :)
Also! Check out "Just A Dream" by Carrie Underwood.
(No! she didnt steal the title from Nelly, her song came out first)
To Be Honest, I prefer Carrie Underwood more than Taylor Swift. So check her out, if you dont listen to her. And Theres A REASON why she was the winner of American Idol (2008)

So havent heard much of them lately huh?!
But their new song is really awesome a must check out too!
Hurricanes And Suns :)
And Thats It For My Daily Life For This Week.