I saw you, did you see me? I wanted to say Hi, but every move you make only reminded me of your goodbye.. sigh...
~~But I Really Wish You Would~ Drop Everything Now. Meet Me In The Pouring Rain, Kiss Me On The Sidewalk. Take Away The Pain~~
(Taylor Swift)
~~But I Really Wish You Would~ Drop Everything Now. Meet Me In The Pouring Rain, Kiss Me On The Sidewalk. Take Away The Pain~~
(Taylor Swift)

first off... I would like to talk about...well.. religious stuff ahahax.

Seriously.. on wednesday, there was as always cell group meeting.
and i've been skipping alot of it.. I wanted to skip then too!
but i still ended up going.. but there were only 5 people there..
and CY actually talked about the last saturday service and stuff..
she feels bad that last time she felt like giving up on the cg d, cos really felt like she cant control it and stuff.. But then last saturday she was really touched and felt like restarting and doing her best for the cg etc. etc.
but what affected me most was that she said;
"All of us remains in church because we were touched by God. Also, you cant tell me that from the past, from when our CG was called obed-edom till now that the CG never helped you. So in truth, CG is suppose to be closer, more together. like an actual family."
Anyway! the the part about CG actually helped is true..
I guess I shudnt skip anymore, ahahax.
But yeahh.. CG does help, and it is like a family more or less.
I guess when you think about it.. yeah.. Just because we're not that close, doesnt mean we shouldnt meet up, in fact it means we should meet up more.
Whatsmore, we dont know if in the future we'd have the chance to meet up anymore.
People keep leaving to go overseas, work, have a busy life, etc.
I guess since I have time, I should actually go.
ahahax tat night was great tho..
altho there were only 5people. The atmosphere was different.
Really spirit-filled and just woowww~
ahahahax :) Amazing feeling.
So yeahh~ despite everything, i still loveee my cg :)..
After the whole meeting, i got to know CY a little better.
In the form of.... Kpop!
She said she wants to bleach her hair light blond too! :O
I wanna see that ahahahax! definitely gonna look very epic on her
Yesterday (saturday) service rocked too, with CHC SG SOT team coming to lead it.
ahahax really nice la. and and the guitarist sang You & Me by lifehouse summore,
wheee fav song! it reminded me of Adeline's bday party. LOL!
since i sang tat song to her tat time, ahahahax. lameeee~
anyway! yeahh~ today they english service also SOT mission team lead praise and worship and a few of the stuff, it was nice.. Even the testimony was nice... awesome. God is great.
~~And our scars reminds us, the past is real; I tear my heart open. Just to feel~~
(Papa Roach)
College life has been going okay.. ahahax getting better friendship with the juniors :P lol!
altho.. by close, i mean that they're asking me to help them with their work :O. tsk tsk tsk.. LOL! but yeah! its nice to know new people.. for now however, i'm quite annoyed by some of the seniors. :O especially the group i'm stuck with in animation.. zz.. watever.. not gonna complain. sigh! College life.. ahahahax. so everything is duedate this week. so have to hand them in tomorrow. Animation and Website design, both done d. wheee~ now left history of art assignment and Fundamentals assignment. sigh! stressin' but then after next week no more classes until HoA exam. YESH.
Then finally! the semester will be over!
~~I've been screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain, & its 2am, and i'm cursing your name! and thats the way I loved you~~
(Taylor Swift)
>So.. lately I've been watching animes. of course..
Latest anime i finished was; "Ookami Kakushi"
its nice! and its about the Japanese Wolf God. So yeah!
Turns out they're like a new form of werewolves.. actually more like superhumans
and they live with human race with the rules of not supposing to fall in love with them.
blah blah blah~ so yeah! its epic and a must watch! XD
Gonna finish my guitar lessons soon too.. lol.. Its fun to have learn a new skill..
ahahax! hmm what else? i guess thats pretty much it for entertainment, nothing much really
Life itself has been overall okay i guess..
I'm getting tired of being lonely sometimes.
and also all the schoolwork and stuff.
at times i just wanna disappear or just not feel anything at all.
at times i dont know what i'm living for or what i'm doing.
But here i am, alive and waiting.
I dont know what to do or how to do it.
I just feel soo... actually.. no words can describe how i feel ahahax.
I havent went out with my friends for awhile d. i mean other then, eating out together once in awhile, been about 1month since we last had fun :(
friends in form6, are like super busy preparing for STPM so i havent had much contact with them too.
sighh~~~ so for the moment, life is quite dull.. :(
I wanna fall in love, i wanna have fun, i wanna do something crazy, I wanna see you, I dont wanna talk to you, i wanna scream out loud, i dont wanna be here, i dont, i do, i dont , i do..
I just wanna feel alive for just one more second..
Where's that Jolt of lifeforce when i need it most??
:'( I feel soo frustrated!
Oh yeah! and i really hate hate hateeee people who only finds you when they're sad and ignores u when they're alright. =__=!! annoying! zz roar~
I guess I shudnt skip anymore, ahahax.
But yeahh.. CG does help, and it is like a family more or less.
I guess when you think about it.. yeah.. Just because we're not that close, doesnt mean we shouldnt meet up, in fact it means we should meet up more.
Whatsmore, we dont know if in the future we'd have the chance to meet up anymore.
People keep leaving to go overseas, work, have a busy life, etc.
I guess since I have time, I should actually go.
ahahax tat night was great tho..
altho there were only 5people. The atmosphere was different.
Really spirit-filled and just woowww~
ahahahax :) Amazing feeling.
So yeahh~ despite everything, i still loveee my cg :)..
After the whole meeting, i got to know CY a little better.
In the form of.... Kpop!
She said she wants to bleach her hair light blond too! :O
I wanna see that ahahahax! definitely gonna look very epic on her
Yesterday (saturday) service rocked too, with CHC SG SOT team coming to lead it.
ahahax really nice la. and and the guitarist sang You & Me by lifehouse summore,
wheee fav song! it reminded me of Adeline's bday party. LOL!
since i sang tat song to her tat time, ahahahax. lameeee~
anyway! yeahh~ today they english service also SOT mission team lead praise and worship and a few of the stuff, it was nice.. Even the testimony was nice... awesome. God is great.
~~And our scars reminds us, the past is real; I tear my heart open. Just to feel~~
(Papa Roach)

altho.. by close, i mean that they're asking me to help them with their work :O. tsk tsk tsk.. LOL! but yeah! its nice to know new people.. for now however, i'm quite annoyed by some of the seniors. :O especially the group i'm stuck with in animation.. zz.. watever.. not gonna complain. sigh! College life.. ahahahax. so everything is duedate this week. so have to hand them in tomorrow. Animation and Website design, both done d. wheee~ now left history of art assignment and Fundamentals assignment. sigh! stressin' but then after next week no more classes until HoA exam. YESH.
Then finally! the semester will be over!
~~I've been screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain, & its 2am, and i'm cursing your name! and thats the way I loved you~~
(Taylor Swift)

Latest anime i finished was; "Ookami Kakushi"
its nice! and its about the Japanese Wolf God. So yeah!
Turns out they're like a new form of werewolves.. actually more like superhumans
and they live with human race with the rules of not supposing to fall in love with them.
blah blah blah~ so yeah! its epic and a must watch! XD
Gonna finish my guitar lessons soon too.. lol.. Its fun to have learn a new skill..
ahahax! hmm what else? i guess thats pretty much it for entertainment, nothing much really
Life itself has been overall okay i guess..
I'm getting tired of being lonely sometimes.
and also all the schoolwork and stuff.
at times i just wanna disappear or just not feel anything at all.
at times i dont know what i'm living for or what i'm doing.
But here i am, alive and waiting.
I dont know what to do or how to do it.
I just feel soo... actually.. no words can describe how i feel ahahax.
I havent went out with my friends for awhile d. i mean other then, eating out together once in awhile, been about 1month since we last had fun :(
friends in form6, are like super busy preparing for STPM so i havent had much contact with them too.
sighh~~~ so for the moment, life is quite dull.. :(
I wanna fall in love, i wanna have fun, i wanna do something crazy, I wanna see you, I dont wanna talk to you, i wanna scream out loud, i dont wanna be here, i dont, i do, i dont , i do..
I just wanna feel alive for just one more second..
Where's that Jolt of lifeforce when i need it most??
:'( I feel soo frustrated!
Oh yeah! and i really hate hate hateeee people who only finds you when they're sad and ignores u when they're alright. =__=!! annoying! zz roar~