I had by far the best week of the year :)) hehehe ♥ ♥ ♥
Shall we just move on the Vintage! News of my life? ehehe~ xD
Shall we just move on the Vintage! News of my life? ehehe~ xD
Had lots of fun. Shared ideas, Created plans, and finished our Script and Storyboard for our Ad, now all we need is to film it! Our luck when down hill when we found a nice place to film. Cos Miguel's Camcorder malfunctioned. we were all like completely "WTF?!" So filming delayed till next week, where we'd be using MY Canon XL1s. Hope for success ;) And since we didnt have a Camcorder to film at that moment, we went back to class. Telling Valerie (the lecturer) that we had Technical Problem. So we ended up Watching Mr.Bean On Vacation on someone's Laptop (yes i know, "WTF?! Mr.Bean" X_X!) till class ended and we went home. I also texted with Adeline (who was at Johor at that time) that day. Jealous! she gets to go on vacation on a school day D: ROFL!
♥~ All in All, Nothing Much Happened On Friday, Just Had Great Fun With Course mates ~♥
~Morning~♥~ All in All, Nothing Much Happened On Friday, Just Had Great Fun With Course mates ~♥
It represents my Saturday soo well! hehe!
SO! YEAHHH! woke up at 7 on Saturday.
Had my breakfast and milo. Waited for Feng to come, and we went on our way~ Where? To Mr.Sim's House. Yesh the Guitar Teacher. We Registered! xD And its awesome.. Oh, Learning Beginner, Classic Guitar. :) meaning learning to be a guitar player that actually knows how to play and knows what he's playing. Instead of those lame Folk/Rhythm Guitar players! So anyway due to not having any Music background. Me and feng had to start at the verrryyyy bottom. Oh! First off, Mr.Sim rocks, he's damn charismatic ;) and can really shred a guitar! Going for his class = Using his studio guitars. and damnnnn those guitars are fiiiiiinnnnnneee~~~ damn nice to play. His Guitars one costs around 500 - 700 of course. which is No wonder why its soo damn nice. He said if we plan to buy new guitar, can just contact him, and he'll intro :) he also can service broken guitars and shit. So thats really awesome ;)

the place, Since Primary school! which was a big shock to me and feng. LOL! who would've thought...So after a really really awesome first day, My fingers hurt but it felt f'ckin awesome! and yes its THAT AWESOME! anyway! my classes are now fixed for Saturday 10am ;) ehehe! Its great~~ Love it soo soo much!

After Classes went back to Green Road, and had (my fav) Nasi Lemak+Fried Chicken and of course~ Teh C Peng Special. at the green road kopitiam. LOL! Chatted with feng about loads of random stuff as alway~ then he sent me home afterwards ;)
Went gift shopping throughout the entire afternoon after that. ehehe~ went to loads of shops, only to find that suitable things are too expensive, and cute things arent that cute at all. LOL! But after hours of searching, I found the perfect gift.. Or rather.. God shook me and told me that, that's the right gift. So with my Spirit instinct I bought it down, and tadah! done with the gift, when to get wrapping paper too. x) Thought out the perfect present wrapping design too. ahahax, so yeah overall it was a good morning and good afternoon. Thank God for always being with me..

So anyway~ after gift hunting, went to eat at HongKong Noodle House, came back home, got ready and was on my way to church~ :)
hehe~ there's gonna be a party this tues! woooowww. That aside. Well nothing much happened at church to be honest. I love the new Worship song. Uhh, Mabel seems to be coming back to church every week (which is great!) LOL! she returned me the 2 books after service. Going to lend her book3 tis coming saturday. hmmm! wat else am I missing?! uhh uhh~ Ah well! nothing much happened for Youth then.. Came back home afterwards, wrapped the present, did some collegework. and went to sleep. :) Since I have a big day on sunday too! xD
Well woke up at 7, had breakfast and went for morning service in church. Since I'd be busy in the afternoon ;) hehe! Communion service. and eee! God's presence was really working xD But Nothing much to talk about either. Cept' I havent stepped into the Sunday Morning service for quite some time d, cos i always go English service. And To be honest, I'm surprised. There were lots of people i never seen before that are in the morning service. hehe! which is great xD So that aside! After service, went to supermarket with mum awhile, cos she wanted to buy some groceries.
Afterwards I was on my way to Adeline's house :B
Twas her bday and she was holding a party. So yeah! Reached.
handed her her present. Said hi-s all around, Helped out with something lame. Ahem! Balloons o____o! LOL! Watched "Despicable Me" while doing the balloons.
More and more guests flood in. ROFL I only knew Erica and Adeline there tho. :\
Ah well~ While waiting for the food, everyone was just helping out. And having random chitter chatter. blueks~ After the food was done. Everyone gathered to pray before digging in. lol.. yeahh! that one was a wee bit awkward for me.
Being a protestant and all, and never actually stepped foot in Catholic churches means I just closed my eyes and bowed my head, while they said their prayer. Still! it was interesting. Hehe ^^" Anyway! when we started eating, we were watching "UP" I dont know why they keep putting on Pixar movies :O
ROFL! So yeah~ ate. watched. talked. blah blah blah.
After that movie, We had "How To Tame A Dragon" on :\ yeah! 3 movies.
(The party lasted from 1+ till 5ish for me. Which is reallyyy long)
Anyway! halfway through the movie, we paused it cos it was Desert time ;)
So they brought out the Bday cake, sang happy bday and cut the cake. Then before we started eating, 2nd Desert came out, Choc Pie, sang happy bday in mandarin and Malay. Then the 3rd cake came out. And some of people sang some weird version of happy bday ROFL! so yeah! Afterward went back to the movie, talked and ate the deserts. YUMMY~
After awhile, some people started to leave d~ We played a random game just to pass time afterwards tho~ lame! but nice la~ felt like Cell Group Fellowship. LOL!
So~ Overall had fun. Sang in Public too, which is like a totally uhh~ new experience for me? I mean i sing in Kbox yes, but that's with friends and actual music, and without a stupid clown hat on ~.~ ROFL it was punishment for the game. LOL! anyway! Ended at around 5ish, Adeline started to open her gives first, via request from her friends :) and she did. LOL!
Uhh! My present design FAIL! Cos the gift got stuck to the tape! :O
Thankfully, it didnt damage the gift. Rofl, Neways hope my Instinct was right. Hope she loves the gift. hmph~ took a pic with her and was on my way home~
hehe, nothing much happened after that. But overall it was a tiring day :)

Afterwards I was on my way to Adeline's house :B
Twas her bday and she was holding a party. So yeah! Reached.
handed her her present. Said hi-s all around, Helped out with something lame. Ahem! Balloons o____o! LOL! Watched "Despicable Me" while doing the balloons.
More and more guests flood in. ROFL I only knew Erica and Adeline there tho. :\
Ah well~ While waiting for the food, everyone was just helping out. And having random chitter chatter. blueks~ After the food was done. Everyone gathered to pray before digging in. lol.. yeahh! that one was a wee bit awkward for me.
Being a protestant and all, and never actually stepped foot in Catholic churches means I just closed my eyes and bowed my head, while they said their prayer. Still! it was interesting. Hehe ^^" Anyway! when we started eating, we were watching "UP" I dont know why they keep putting on Pixar movies :O
ROFL! So yeah~ ate. watched. talked. blah blah blah.
After that movie, We had "How To Tame A Dragon" on :\ yeah! 3 movies.
(The party lasted from 1+ till 5ish for me. Which is reallyyy long)
Anyway! halfway through the movie, we paused it cos it was Desert time ;)
So they brought out the Bday cake, sang happy bday and cut the cake. Then before we started eating, 2nd Desert came out, Choc Pie, sang happy bday in mandarin and Malay. Then the 3rd cake came out. And some of people sang some weird version of happy bday ROFL! so yeah! Afterward went back to the movie, talked and ate the deserts. YUMMY~
After awhile, some people started to leave d~ We played a random game just to pass time afterwards tho~ lame! but nice la~ felt like Cell Group Fellowship. LOL!
So~ Overall had fun. Sang in Public too, which is like a totally uhh~ new experience for me? I mean i sing in Kbox yes, but that's with friends and actual music, and without a stupid clown hat on ~.~ ROFL it was punishment for the game. LOL! anyway! Ended at around 5ish, Adeline started to open her gives first, via request from her friends :) and she did. LOL!
Uhh! My present design FAIL! Cos the gift got stuck to the tape! :O
Thankfully, it didnt damage the gift. Rofl, Neways hope my Instinct was right. Hope she loves the gift. hmph~ took a pic with her and was on my way home~
hehe, nothing much happened after that. But overall it was a tiring day :)

So anyway! Loads of things happening for me this year! hehe~ want to finish guitar lesson ASAP of course. wanna be able to shred like a rockstar before midyear xD Also! Next month going out with Alyn, and maybe Jason and Aishang too. LOL need to get my pendrive back from Alyn. Looking forward to that. I kinda miss her! And to be honest, there are loads of friends I miss hanging out with. Ying! you're on that list D: I miss hanging with u! Hang out when free eh! Rofl! sometimes I wonder if she still kept the necklace I gave her last time~ hmm~ So Anyway! Seriously, Hang out when free la~ rawr! we use to go out soo often de bo~ Now hardly ever see one another T.T sniff sniff~ ROFL! hahax~ :) Joking, just meet up when you can ya? I know u have loads of stuff to deal with too. huggies! take care bff!!! ;)
I'm seriously really really thankful to have all you people around me ;) you all rocks!
hehe! hope our friendships last forever neh ;D So anyway! I cant wait for next month xD loads of new movies coming out. Also! all my assignments would be starting by then xD loads of work, loads of fun, loads of experiences to be well.. Experienced. ehehe.. But now.. I need a freakin new guitar!
Thats pretty much it :) ehehe! Oh yeah, one of my American Idol season 10 Fav.
"Emma Henry"
didnt make it through Hollywood week D: sad la! Well actually to be honest, I just like her for her hairstyle LOL! :) Awesome! and somehow reminds me of bf :O maybe its cos of the hairstyle, hmm!
Bluek! cant wait for this week's episode tho, they be singing songs by The Beetles. Goodie. :) nothing else to say really
Heard an interesting song when buying the gift on saturday tho. Falling in love with the song. Hehe! its; "Give me your eyes" by "Brandon Heath". Its really nice.
So neway. thats all I have for this week.
so PEACE~~ out~ ;)
I'm seriously really really thankful to have all you people around me ;) you all rocks!
hehe! hope our friendships last forever neh ;D So anyway! I cant wait for next month xD loads of new movies coming out. Also! all my assignments would be starting by then xD loads of work, loads of fun, loads of experiences to be well.. Experienced. ehehe.. But now.. I need a freakin new guitar!
Thats pretty much it :) ehehe! Oh yeah, one of my American Idol season 10 Fav.
"Emma Henry"
didnt make it through Hollywood week D: sad la! Well actually to be honest, I just like her for her hairstyle LOL! :) Awesome! and somehow reminds me of bf :O maybe its cos of the hairstyle, hmm!

Heard an interesting song when buying the gift on saturday tho. Falling in love with the song. Hehe! its; "Give me your eyes" by "Brandon Heath". Its really nice.
So neway. thats all I have for this week.
so PEACE~~ out~ ;)