WELL! Raya Holidays are finally over!
Alright! so what did I do during my raya break?
well like the previous post i did last week,
I watched Movies!
After watching "I Give You My First Love"
I watched;
"Cello" (Korean Horror) and "Venus and Mars" (Korean Romantic Comedy)
I'll review these movies below.
Thats what I did on Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday I just basically watch and finished a 50episode anime;
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Its a classic anime. ahahax!
will review it later on in this post as well :)
Thursday was just boring, all I did was eat, sleep, gaming, facebook. x__X!
Played back an old game too! "Arcanum".
Uhh hmmm~ Nothing much happened on friday either. :(
Found out a bunch of stuff about Taylor Swift on the Youtube Presents :)
ahahax! uhmm hmmm~ found a bunch of awesome bands and singers on saturday.
Also bought my Palace Athene on saturday morning.
Night went to church and came back finished building my Palace Athene.
And slept.
Sunday was a special day; went to watch SMURF! ahahax. ikr? me? watch smurf? wth?
gonna write about it all the way at the end of this post :)
so lets move on to MOVIES! XD

First, I'd like to say that... THIS IS NOT A GOOD HORROR MOVIE.
its no wonder korean horror is less famous.. ahahax
Its basically about this girl who plays the cello, and got jealous of a better musician, she killed her. and that ghost is now seeking revenge on the killer.
o__o! yeah.. its kinda lame... and its not as scary as some movies.
so honestly, i rate this movie at 4.5/10
yes, thats how bad it was for me.. ahahax. but dont let me stop you,
if you wanna watch asian horror movies, by all means, check it out.

This movie, I give a huge thumbs up!
Its an awesome Romantic Comedy, its even better than the classic
"My Sassy Girl"
and its at that level of movie style. funny and still sweet. :)
Its one of those movies where couples watch and joke about and enjoys.
Also individually its a good comedy with good enough storyline.
So I give this movie a 9/10!
A MUST watch for people who loves the Asian romantic-comedy genre

Honestly I dont know how I ended up watching this.
oh well! I mean its not that i dont like cute things. its just that, it feels like a waste of money to watch cartoons in a cineplex T_T my money! D:
ahahax! but still it was a fun day :)
So overall its like well not that bad, i mean its a cartoon. LOL!
It has enough funny parts to make it entertaining.
And of course the ever-so-addictive Smurf's song will get stuck in your head after leaving the hall~ LaLa LaLaLaLa Sing A Happy Song~

Ahahax! overall its quite okaye :) but I cant say much, i mean its a classic! XD 8/10 teeheeheee~ oh! i loved the evil wizard's cat in this movie! Azrael!
!~OTAKU/Gunpla (anything japanese/anime really)~!

Char Aznable

Honestly to me he's the best thought-out character in the whole series,
without him the storyline would probably just sux. ahahax!
so yeahhh~ I mean its a classic anime! and its honestly really realistic how 30years ago the creators, could think and create stories about technology we actually do use today.
:) so its really cool that their idea was really down to earth back then. ahahx!
so yeah! I like this anime, compared to the shitty Gundam animes that are being released now, This is probably the only gundam series i like and finished.
Also! in this anime has the mobile suit
Palace Athene

This is the model kit i just bought on saturday,
and its a Rare model kit. means that BANDAI the company that makes these models
. Might not even be producing anymore of this model.
Which is rather sad, but then thinking it through and if thats the case.
This model might be worth a whole lot in the future to those crazy collectors +_+!
then i'd be earning alot. ahahax!
so yeah! The Palace Athene is a tall mobile suit with claws and huge guns and 2 sabers.
In the anime it was made by the Jupitoris group.
Piloted by Reccoa Londe and just basically looks cool.

I just started watching this anime,
And i gotta say that i'm loving it!
Its a new anime that just started this year.
Storyline is about; this craze person who thinks himself a mad scientist likes to make gadgets and stuff. with the help of his super hacker buddy; ahahax.
but ultimately they actually created a gateway with a phone and microwave,
that allows them to send text messages to the past.
Thus starts the anime~ :)
Its really unique and crazie, but i love it!
Psychological Animes for the win!
and that will be all on animes.
!~Songs And Music~!
So.. The other day Jin asked me to find her new or unique songs;
cos she was bored of all the music lately.
And thus I dig out a bunch of Independent bands out.
First up we have;
Stereo Skyline

that is totally awesome, check them out, they're quite good tho I still prefer Marianas Trench and/or NeverShoutNever than this group, but Stereo Skyline is still worth checking out :)
I also gave her songs from Poema, and of course; she loved them.
I think any gal would love them really. ahahax Poema is just soo awesome :)
Then also have a more rock-styled group called We Are The In Crowd.
Which have this Paramore-like feel in their music. which is quite nice too :)
MY FAVORITE SONG BY THEM IS: "Both Sides Of The Story"
Another weird group I found is The CreepShow,
they're really classic style, music style reminds me alot of Panic! At The Disco.
MY FAVORITE SONG BY THEM IS: "Creature Of The Night"
With all this Indie (Independent) music style; who needs hiphop?! ROFL
So my current playlist consists of mainly;
Marianas Trench, He Is We, Cady Groves, Poema, Stereo Skyline, Never Shout Never, The Downtown Fiction, The Script, Train, The Fray and Snow Patrol.
Youtube Presents TAYLOR SWIFT

So i learnt that; she likes to watch Crime series when she's free; CSI and all that o__o! she also likes to read History books.
She DOES sing her own songs in the shower and if she has an idea in the middle of the night while she's asleep and woken up by the inspiration, she'd record herself mumbling the lyrics into her phone. and thats how she capture those moments in order to create her songs... how..... nice.. lol! :) There were of course more questions. but those are the main ones i remember, you can check out the 40+ mins youtube present video on Youtube.com/taylorswift
Thats all for music;
Next up we have the game I've been playing;

As compared to the other sims games this is better as it gives you quests and also a Kingdom to take care of rather then just a family of sims.
So personally I feel that anyone who likes The Sims should check this out;
along with its expansion PIRATES; Cos it really brings The Sims to a more Roleplaying level
with more things to do and actually having a story, makes it all better.
That aside;
I have installed a classic game into my lappy;
Arcanum: Of Steamworks And Magick Obscura
Its a game that brings players to a time similar to the 18th century,
Where technologies have just started advancing,
when people started using guns and all that; but at the same time its a fantasy world,
where magic and orcs, trolls, dwarfs, elves exist :)
so its really cool; ahahax and yes thats how boring my holidays was! T_T
Thats that!
Now what exactly did i do on sunday?
well i had to go out in the afternoon; so i went to morning church service.
It was okay.. I was half asleep tho :\ sigh!
uhmm after that went to buy a new pair of jeans, ate at sugar bun.
and went to spring to meet my twin~ along with her friends. :)
then eric joined us. ahahx!
yeah~ :\ well i dunno waht to say really.
It was kinda awkward really.
but then it was still strangely fun :\
mehhh! XD we went to watch the smurfs at MBO.
it was nice. :) and then we walked around spring blah blah blah;
ahahax! It was just a nice day larh~ :)
I mean as compared to anything else I did during the raya week. it was nice.
and i found something out!...
ehehe! but i'm not saying it here :|
mehh! gahh rawr woof meow;
LaLa LaLaLaLa Sing A Happy Song~ Smurfs!
uhmm~ yeahhh...
Hopefully next time we hang out it wouldnt be as awkward? mehh~
ggrrr~~ ahahax xD
They're all a great group of people; so i dont regret going out.
uhh uhh~ yeahhh :| mehh~ hmm~
ahahahax! lame blog post i know.
But i just dunno how to put things into words..
Byeh Readers! :D
Love And Peace To All!
But I Assure you! When The Time Comes! I'll Knock You Off Your Feet~ :)