So the entire week has been quite fun ahahax xD
Uhmm lets see.... well din do much on monday cept the usual gaming wit my buddies..
But tuesday jing asked me out to hangout.
Turned out Soon came back from Johor.
LOL! went to his shophouse ground floor luan~
ahahax! actually we just sat around and chat..
Seems like Johor life damn fun lor~ But then still as boring as here.
Ahahax he talked about his classes etc. etc.
mehh~ then night as always chat and gaming wit the gang..
Night~ went out wit the jing, feng, ric, junyong and soon xD
for well dinner. :\ ahahx.
then ride around town waste time. went spring, to saberkas.
all the back to Jing's house.
Saw his masterpiece!
But tuesday jing asked me out to hangout.
Turned out Soon came back from Johor.
LOL! went to his shophouse ground floor luan~
ahahax! actually we just sat around and chat..
Seems like Johor life damn fun lor~ But then still as boring as here.
Ahahax he talked about his classes etc. etc.
mehh~ then night as always chat and gaming wit the gang..
Night~ went out wit the jing, feng, ric, junyong and soon xD
for well dinner. :\ ahahx.
then ride around town waste time. went spring, to saberkas.
all the back to Jing's house.
Saw his masterpiece!

Its huge in size. and tho i still prefer all the monoeyed mobile suits (like my Super Custom Zaku F2000) This one looks quite epic, ahahx in fact it makes me wanna buy an MG for myself too~ Just that at this moment, there isnt any stock of the one i want. awww~
That said! ahahax
jing borrowed Persona3 to play on his PS2 emulator on his computer. Lame~~ but then he loved the game (just like everyone else who ever played it did)
Persona3 is an anime styled game, done by company; Shin Megami Tensei. Who was the company responsible for famous games like Nocturne, Digital Devil Sage, Devil Summoner and Persona. The game series is not connected, so starting on any of it is fine. The game is damn fun. and the monsters/summons are based off the Tarot Cards Arcana. Each with its own attributes, strength and weaknesses. ahahax~ also Persona4 the game has been such a hit, that they actually.. Created the animation series for it last month :)
Proves how epic the game is. Check it out!
Persona3 & Persona4. Best PS2 game of year 2006 & 2007.
So anyway! watched him play that while we toyed with his well.. Destiny. :S LOL! we actually ride around town for quite some time before going his house, cos after that, I reached home at almost 1 xD ahahax then we met online to game awhile. before doing our own stuff..
Thursday! chatted with jing about school stuff, blah blah blah.
Gamed awhile. went out with him,
chatted about camera, school stuff, exam, games, blah blah blah. bought some stuff. went to eat awhile, then came home. nothing much really.
Nothing much too! just stayed at home bored :S tried to study but failed. LOL!
IT WAS MAY'S (Ms.Chong) BIRTHDAY! ahahax.
Altho i dont know her well. she's a GD senior, and very awesome. ahahax :)
I wasnt able to get her a gift, actually I was only able to give her a facebook bday greeting :S
So, I felt kinda bad. :\ I thought I'd make another public birthday wish here!
You're Amazing, Keep Rockin' xD
I'm pretty sure the keep rockin' part sounds misplaced... whoops~ ♥ ♥ ♥ oh well ^^
Anyway! Saturday! went out with feng. but missing our guitar class the previous saturday.
we din know that this saturday class canceled :\
So headed over to HengKim Trading Thats the shop that sells all those anime stuff xD
turns out its running low on workers,says the owner anyway.
So everytime he has to go out he has to close the shop then go back and open again, wow~
made a mental note to ask if he's hiring next time, cos he was busy that time.
Hmmm.. feng fell in love with
Exia Avlanche
ahahax! but stopped himself from buying it to save up for his
Red Frame Ka
After that, went for lunch. came home. he hanged out my house awhile. To pose his...
00 Qan(T) vs my Zaku F2000 (zaku F2 form)
Then Gaming with the group again for the afternoon.
Then went for church in the evening.
It was great, tho... group had a shortage of people...
kinda sad really... :\
nothing much after service. went home chatted with my friends for awhile tho.
But thats pretty much it.
Today! (Sunday)
Went to church in the morning after breakfast.
hmm~ was honestly half asleep in service.. but it was a good sermons :)
ahahax I like the last part most tho. About how when reaching heaven,
God will separate the Sheeps and the Goats
Meaning he will choose between the good and the wicked.
Those who have Fed, Given, Clothed, Saved, Sacrificed, Visited & Took Care of another.
Would be separated from those who does not.
so yeahh! Pas. Kel approached me too!
he asked me if I could help out the Trailer Ministry .
I didnt actually said yes, but i didnt say no either.
Ahahax! If he asks, I'll just do what I can ^^
Afterwards, Went to get my camera! wheeee~~
Hello my dear Nikon D3100 :) w/ 55mm lens

Bought it at.. RM 1,998
Cool! cheaper than i expected! ahahax~!
i mean its cheaper than the 2K - 3K cameras my friends are getting.
tho theirs are Canon.. But then i checked. Researched etc. etc.
Nikon is better. Altho not as userfriendly. but more options.
And at a cheaper price, u're not getting anything lousy.
I mean the specs aint that far off from the Canon 550D+55mm which costs over Rm2.3K +Nikon D3100 can take better looking Photos. I know! I researched!
Its due to the Nikon's better Focusing Mechanism.
LOL! Also, the salesman loves photography too! and said the model i bought was his first model too. ahahax and gave me some pointers. so... uhh yay?
I can say I'm fully prepared for Photography class next semester ^^
And now 2 of all random pics i took with it!
This is my fav pic so far. xD ahahax Black King Piece of the Harry Potter Chess Set.
& this pic proves how anything can look a whole lot better when in HD. LOL!
hmm.. then around 9+ jing ask me if wanna go out?
then we did.. me, jing, soon & junyong.
lol On the road we saw KianBoon.
after what seems like awhile of constant lane-switching on the roads.
Rolled-down windows and bunch of bad words and middle fingers thrown between both cars.
We msged him and went to boulevard to drink and chat awhile.
Then Boon had to leave first.
so left us 4 again. walked around the whole of boulevard.
Saw some familiar faces. Heard horrible singing on the first floor
(Catz fashion week singing competition or something)
Then we went back to the car,
went on over to Yong Min Chong cybercafe cos jing wanted to get something from there.
And then we headed over to Hui Sing and down to MJC, wasted time there talking and stuff.
Then saw wei yen. ahahax talked awhile. then he went back to his group.
and we went back home. Then gaming. and now i'm here blogging ahahax~
Awesome week i guess.
ohh~ soon said last friday he went to Friendship park for break-dancing
ahahax said that every night(? i think) 9 - 12am there got break-dancing and its open to all,
so he just went there to break.
again made a mental note to head over there for a look sometime xD
So yeah! thats been my week. teehee.
Tho i swear, if every week is gonna be like this,
I'ma soo gonna be broke next semester!
Awesome week! I still had my emo moments... & I still.... ........
but overall i'm great.
That's all! Peace & Love! xoxoxoxo! ^^
...I still havent forgotten you...
That said! ahahax
jing borrowed Persona3 to play on his PS2 emulator on his computer. Lame~~ but then he loved the game (just like everyone else who ever played it did)

Persona3 & Persona4. Best PS2 game of year 2006 & 2007.
So anyway! watched him play that while we toyed with his well.. Destiny. :S LOL! we actually ride around town for quite some time before going his house, cos after that, I reached home at almost 1 xD ahahax then we met online to game awhile. before doing our own stuff..
Thursday! chatted with jing about school stuff, blah blah blah.
Gamed awhile. went out with him,
chatted about camera, school stuff, exam, games, blah blah blah. bought some stuff. went to eat awhile, then came home. nothing much really.
Nothing much too! just stayed at home bored :S tried to study but failed. LOL!
IT WAS MAY'S (Ms.Chong) BIRTHDAY! ahahax.
Altho i dont know her well. she's a GD senior, and very awesome. ahahax :)
I wasnt able to get her a gift, actually I was only able to give her a facebook bday greeting :S
So, I felt kinda bad. :\ I thought I'd make another public birthday wish here!
You're Amazing, Keep Rockin' xD
I'm pretty sure the keep rockin' part sounds misplaced... whoops~ ♥ ♥ ♥ oh well ^^
Anyway! Saturday! went out with feng. but missing our guitar class the previous saturday.
we din know that this saturday class canceled :\
So headed over to HengKim Trading Thats the shop that sells all those anime stuff xD
turns out its running low on workers,says the owner anyway.
So everytime he has to go out he has to close the shop then go back and open again, wow~
made a mental note to ask if he's hiring next time, cos he was busy that time.
Hmmm.. feng fell in love with
Exia Avlanche

Red Frame Ka
After that, went for lunch. came home. he hanged out my house awhile. To pose his...
00 Qan(T) vs my Zaku F2000 (zaku F2 form)
Then went for church in the evening.
It was great, tho... group had a shortage of people...
kinda sad really... :\
nothing much after service. went home chatted with my friends for awhile tho.
But thats pretty much it.
Today! (Sunday)
Went to church in the morning after breakfast.
hmm~ was honestly half asleep in service.. but it was a good sermons :)
ahahax I like the last part most tho. About how when reaching heaven,
God will separate the Sheeps and the Goats
Meaning he will choose between the good and the wicked.
Those who have Fed, Given, Clothed, Saved, Sacrificed, Visited & Took Care of another.
Would be separated from those who does not.
so yeahh! Pas. Kel approached me too!
he asked me if I could help out the Trailer Ministry .
I didnt actually said yes, but i didnt say no either.
Ahahax! If he asks, I'll just do what I can ^^
Afterwards, Went to get my camera! wheeee~~
Hello my dear Nikon D3100 :) w/ 55mm lens
Bought it at.. RM 1,998
Cool! cheaper than i expected! ahahax~!
i mean its cheaper than the 2K - 3K cameras my friends are getting.
tho theirs are Canon.. But then i checked. Researched etc. etc.
Nikon is better. Altho not as userfriendly. but more options.
And at a cheaper price, u're not getting anything lousy.
I mean the specs aint that far off from the Canon 550D+55mm which costs over Rm2.3K +Nikon D3100 can take better looking Photos. I know! I researched!
Its due to the Nikon's better Focusing Mechanism.
LOL! Also, the salesman loves photography too! and said the model i bought was his first model too. ahahax and gave me some pointers. so... uhh yay?
I can say I'm fully prepared for Photography class next semester ^^
And now 2 of all random pics i took with it!
hmm.. then around 9+ jing ask me if wanna go out?
then we did.. me, jing, soon & junyong.
lol On the road we saw KianBoon.
after what seems like awhile of constant lane-switching on the roads.
Rolled-down windows and bunch of bad words and middle fingers thrown between both cars.
We msged him and went to boulevard to drink and chat awhile.
Then Boon had to leave first.
so left us 4 again. walked around the whole of boulevard.
Saw some familiar faces. Heard horrible singing on the first floor
(Catz fashion week singing competition or something)
Then we went back to the car,
went on over to Yong Min Chong cybercafe cos jing wanted to get something from there.
And then we headed over to Hui Sing and down to MJC, wasted time there talking and stuff.
Then saw wei yen. ahahax talked awhile. then he went back to his group.
and we went back home. Then gaming. and now i'm here blogging ahahax~
Awesome week i guess.
ohh~ soon said last friday he went to Friendship park for break-dancing
ahahax said that every night(? i think) 9 - 12am there got break-dancing and its open to all,
so he just went there to break.
again made a mental note to head over there for a look sometime xD
So yeah! thats been my week. teehee.
Tho i swear, if every week is gonna be like this,
I'ma soo gonna be broke next semester!
Awesome week! I still had my emo moments... & I still.... ........
but overall i'm great.
That's all! Peace & Love! xoxoxoxo! ^^
...I still havent forgotten you...