Ghost Rider 2 released last thurs :D
went to watch on the day of release with my buddehs!
and yeah, its definitely better than the 1st one. ahahahax
and it actually made me wish Ghost Rider would appear in the upcoming
Avengers movie.
anyway~ as you know Ghost Rider is a comicbook anti-heroic hero.
a person possessed with the spirit of vengeance and what not.
And the fights are all more religious than other comic books, what with having demons, lucifer, angels. etc. etc.
mehh! yeah so this movie, goes more in-depth into the original Ghost rider character story.
which is good cos it made a fan out of me XD
ahahax totally worth watching, despite the slight annoying camera angle sometimes
though I think that's due to it being filmed for 3D..
So if you're gonna watch it, you should definitely watch it in 3D
overall its good~ and Nicolas Cage is just a great actor.
oh right, the days before thursday i didnt do anything except..
uhmm.. gaming, schoolwork, reading books, watch a couple of movies.
("Friends With Benefits" , "The Rum Diary" & started a Japanese-Drama "First Kiss")
But before I continue with reviewing,
I'mma talk about my weekend xD
I went out with my Sisters last sat, nothing much really.
Just went to eat and chat at hills. lol.
-_- they eat ALOT. ahaha... or maybe i just eat to little..
uhmm anyway!
Gave my farewell gift to "Destiny" and hope she has a safe trip to Taiwan,
that is if i dont get to see her before she leaves end of month.
Also finally passed the belated x-mas gift to "Aoi",
lol, she practically wanted to scream when she saw it.
ahaha! I gave her, a deck of cards that had pics of Kuroshitsuji on it.
just to fuel her fan-girlism. I actually didn't expected her to get soo high over it.
mehh! they were something like these. lol

mmhmm, we chat about a bunch of random stuff really -_-
ate Japanese food for dinner.. and I had my fav. Purple dream at kimbay.
so yeah.. I spent all my cash tat day. $__$ lol
still its nice to see them~
especially since both of them will be going out of town soon :(
of course, I'd be moving overseas eventually too...
It just felt abit sad, ahahax..
Bahh~ :)
Oh oh! this morning, I was woken up by a freaking nightmare .__.
which for me is really rare for a nightmare to scare me to not want to continue sleeping.
ahaha... It was a dream of my old high school!
arrived earlier, then everyone there was freaking out..
The guard at the gate was all skin and bones with pure white eyes..
then there was a student hanging on one of the classroom door but nothing was holding him up,
and he was like screaming "I dont want to die, I dont want to die"
The teachers were trying to get him down, but he was kicking and screaming like crazy.
Eventually everyone was moved to aside and back to their classrooms. when on the way,
Everyone was freaked out by 3 cats that pass through the hallway,
They were huge.. as in like 2/3 human height. when standing on all four legs.
one had small eyes, fat, was white with light brown patches, with the happy cute cat mouth.
while another had messy and dirty fur, of color darkbrown and grey, with small circular yellow eyes.
The 3rd one was skinny with long legs, black and white in color, with sharp golden eyes, with a look as fierce as a lion..
But like normal cats they just walk pass the hall ignoring everyone there.
As everyone was continued to be pushed to the class, eventually I got into my class too.
the teacher began teaching, then there was a scream at the back of the class.
students were scared and shock, as the huge white n brown cat came into the classroom.
It sat down next to my seat, staring at me, with no meow, nothing.
I thought it was a sign of acknowledgement.
Actually it made me wanted to pet it, so i pet it's head, thinking... "Why me?"
then I woke up..
and all that was left in my blank sleepy head was...
how freaky the cat looked!!!
then i couldnt go back to sleep -_-
meaning i was half asleep during my full day classes.. ahaha!
aiks... cats.. lol
Uhmm yeah..
So anything my review
The Rum Diary

This movie is interesting.
Its in one of those classic style. its about the life of a journalist.
And Johnny Depp be that journalist. ahahahax.
Its a very slow-pace classic type of film.
And actually it is interesting in it's own way.
I can name alottt of movies which are better than this.
But in it's own way it is unique.
I dont know how to explain it..
it's just... interesting.
and it leaves me speechless.. LOL
Just like what it says on the poster;
"Absolute Nothing In Moderation"
Friends with Benefits

it's quite alright, it has good storyline.. i guess.
Acting is definitely good.
and basically it's about how much a random relationship can grow.
ahaha... It isn't as nice as all the other romantic comedy out there.
So it's just one of the romance to pass the time.
Unless of course u're a fan of Justin Timberlake or Mila Kunis
overall, its okay;
Last but not least
The drama i've been watching.
First Kiss

And it definitely somehow reminds me of my girlfriend and her bro.
its a really good drama, storyline isn't bad, acting is nice.
The story is about Mio a girl with a heart-disease that decided to undergo a dangerous operation.
But before she gets the surgery, she made a deal with the doctors to let her have fun for the rest of the Summer, and go back for the surgery afterwards.
During this break, she moved back to Japan and lives with her brother. :)
And then that's when the story starts, comedy, romance, sadness, happiness, etc.
loads of emotions, and with good acting and plot.
Makes it very nice.
Overall all good.
and I think that's it..
:) ahahax. so yeah! my life is going great!
I cant wait to finally graduate and start living my future life.
As it seems, within all the disasters and wasted time.
I found.. Hope. :)
I hope and dream of a beautiful future a head ^^
Thanks for reading !