Well.. its been a longggg time since my last blog post.. heh
I miss my bloggie..
I've been busy spending 80% of my time at college finishing up my assignment.
And now i'm actually almost done with it all, and with 2 weeks left to spare before the pass up date.
Feels like i'm already on holiday~
ahahaha Monday (9/4) was the last day i went out to my assignment with C.
Of course~ we ended up not doing it..
actually.. we ended up going for Sushi king bonanza around noon.
Walked around later on.. and ended up at star cineplex watching
"孩子不坏 We not naughty"
had fun laughing at the movie, uhmm yeahh.. ahaha~ its nice ya know?
finishing up assignments n hanging out with my best buddy in college relaxing in a cinema hall.
ahahah the movie is goodddd~ uhmm.. its a story i can relate... heh..
sighhh~ really really can relate. :( but i guess that's why its good :) mehh check it out yourself.
uhmm yeahh~
hmm went for a few family dinners... uhmm
went to this cafe called, Railway, near my house o_O
which sold epic huge western burgers and fries, chicken chop etc.. and weirdly enough
japanese food as well as, chinese food. uhmm yeah..
But its cute little cafe.. lol~ tho its quite hard to find o__o!
definitely gonna head there again next time :D
Skip the next part if you're not into toy models :)
Last Monday after classes came home and went for guitar class.
after that me n feng headed over to HKT.. cos its been a long time since we last went there.
.__. and it completely overtook me.. cos..
they had the entire HG (1/144) Char mobile suits in stock D:
From Char's original Zaku
to his Z'gok

But of course i'll be going to KL end of month, so the prices for these stuff there are cheaper.
mehh we'll see... :)
Last thursday, me n C did our assignment from 8am - 9pm.
kinda torturing our lecturer with questions before she leaves for her thailand holiday.
around 5pm, we headed home awhile before coming back for the night class.
got to meet up with Grace. lol! its like been a longggg time since i last chat with her.
I think it was like my first semester that i actually talked to her.
till now which is like my 3rd last semester. O.O
so yeahh~ chatted about random stuff.. including Titanic 3D -_-
ahahaha~ not an interesting topic, but surprisingly she likes titanic.
And was asking for people's opinion cos everyone says its a waste of money.
uhmm~ i gave her the same comment. :X wahaha~
For good friday and easter weekend.
uhmm yeahh... i spent it doing my assignments :(
but its all worth it :)
hmm~ i guess thats it... Havent had the chance to meet up with MY yet. :(
hope i get the chance soon~~ ahaha. :B hopefully this holidays? xD
uhmm my twin's bday is next week ~_~ still not sure what to do :S
la la la~~ loads of movies coming up that i wanna watch~
uhmmm hmmm~ ohhh! Bought a bunch of classic games simply because they're cheap and I need something to do for my 2+month holidays ( I LOVEEE NOT HAVING EXAMS!).
Such as
Rogue Galaxy

Which is a Role Playing Game, but its about Space pirates, so the whole setup just makes me think of..... Treasure Planet XD which is just awesome!

Uhmm its actually quite hard to play, but the storyline isn't bad.
The english dub isn't that bad either.
and it comes with a large group of weird yet interesting characters.

So overall its good and worth playing.. and of course a good time consumer.
No where near the best PS2 RPG~ PERSONA tho..
But lets face it, nothing can compare to that xD
2ndly I got this cuteee game called
which the graphics is drawn with those chinese paint brushes
and they talk in echoed gibberish.. and with cute japanese spirit characters.
Its the story of how the wolf spirit Okami fights again the evil snake demon Orochi.
One of the oldest Japanese myth ever. :)
3rd we have
Armored Core
A robot fighting game.. this one is reallyyyy hard to play..
But uhmm its still nice? ahaha.. havent really played it yet.
Been too hooked onto Rogue Galaxy.
I've been busy spending 80% of my time at college finishing up my assignment.
And now i'm actually almost done with it all, and with 2 weeks left to spare before the pass up date.
Feels like i'm already on holiday~
ahahaha Monday (9/4) was the last day i went out to my assignment with C.
Of course~ we ended up not doing it..
actually.. we ended up going for Sushi king bonanza around noon.
Walked around later on.. and ended up at star cineplex watching
"孩子不坏 We not naughty"

finishing up assignments n hanging out with my best buddy in college relaxing in a cinema hall.
ahahah the movie is goodddd~ uhmm.. its a story i can relate... heh..
sighhh~ really really can relate. :( but i guess that's why its good :) mehh check it out yourself.
uhmm yeahh~
hmm went for a few family dinners... uhmm
went to this cafe called, Railway, near my house o_O
which sold epic huge western burgers and fries, chicken chop etc.. and weirdly enough
japanese food as well as, chinese food. uhmm yeah..
But its cute little cafe.. lol~ tho its quite hard to find o__o!
definitely gonna head there again next time :D
Skip the next part if you're not into toy models :)
Last Monday after classes came home and went for guitar class.
after that me n feng headed over to HKT.. cos its been a long time since we last went there.
.__. and it completely overtook me.. cos..
they had the entire HG (1/144) Char mobile suits in stock D:
From Char's original Zaku

to his Z'gok


But of course i'll be going to KL end of month, so the prices for these stuff there are cheaper.
mehh we'll see... :)
Last thursday, me n C did our assignment from 8am - 9pm.
kinda torturing our lecturer with questions before she leaves for her thailand holiday.
around 5pm, we headed home awhile before coming back for the night class.
got to meet up with Grace. lol! its like been a longggg time since i last chat with her.
I think it was like my first semester that i actually talked to her.
till now which is like my 3rd last semester. O.O
so yeahh~ chatted about random stuff.. including Titanic 3D -_-
ahahaha~ not an interesting topic, but surprisingly she likes titanic.
And was asking for people's opinion cos everyone says its a waste of money.
uhmm~ i gave her the same comment. :X wahaha~
For good friday and easter weekend.
uhmm yeahh... i spent it doing my assignments :(
but its all worth it :)
hmm~ i guess thats it... Havent had the chance to meet up with MY yet. :(
hope i get the chance soon~~ ahaha. :B hopefully this holidays? xD
uhmm my twin's bday is next week ~_~ still not sure what to do :S
la la la~~ loads of movies coming up that i wanna watch~
uhmmm hmmm~ ohhh! Bought a bunch of classic games simply because they're cheap and I need something to do for my 2+month holidays ( I LOVEEE NOT HAVING EXAMS!).
Such as
Rogue Galaxy

Which is a Role Playing Game, but its about Space pirates, so the whole setup just makes me think of..... Treasure Planet XD which is just awesome!

Uhmm its actually quite hard to play, but the storyline isn't bad.
The english dub isn't that bad either.
and it comes with a large group of weird yet interesting characters.

So overall its good and worth playing.. and of course a good time consumer.
No where near the best PS2 RPG~ PERSONA tho..
But lets face it, nothing can compare to that xD
2ndly I got this cuteee game called

and they talk in echoed gibberish.. and with cute japanese spirit characters.

One of the oldest Japanese myth ever. :)
3rd we have
Armored Core

But uhmm its still nice? ahaha.. havent really played it yet.
Been too hooked onto Rogue Galaxy.
And finally we got,
State Of Emergency 2

which is kinda like a comic book style of Grand Theft Auto.
But with more storyline and style.. and its more arcade style above all else.
A good game to just get into and whack the heck out of officers and gangsters.

I think thats pretty much it.. :)
ahaha~ I still get sad from time to time..
But overall I'm still content with my life...
Still unsure of what the future holds... But for right now.. its not half bad..
I still get lonely at times :( but thats unavoidable i guess?
I'm kinda just hope feelings like this go away in time..
I dont say it openly but my mind has been set on the fact that maybe;
Happiness is just an illusion.
Which makes me feel as though nothing is really important anymore.
aha~ :) thats all i have to post..
Thanks for reading ^^
Oh, last month.. Poema had a Q&A video,
they posted on facebook asking people if they had any questions they want answered.
I posted asking them,
"what kind of guys do you 2 like? or is it all completely the same as the song boys and bugs?"
and they answered it in their video :) ahahax~ its kinda cute how they answered xD
and actually reminded of my mabz cos we chatted about the same thing at that time.
Check it out.
For those who dont know the song;
Boys and Bugs by Poema
Verse 1:
I like boys that like to smile
and laugh at themselves once in a while
that can sit and talk for hours
and in the morning, pick me flowers
boys that like to be very clean
that are never ever mean
and can tell a witty joke
boys that do not like to smoke
One day I'll find you (X4)
Verse 2:
I like boys that aren't afraid of bugs
that will always give me big warm hugs
like to sing and play guitar
that are happy being who they are
boys that like to be outside
and that aren't full of pride
boys that have an honest passion
with at least a slight hint of fashion
Verse 3:
Boys that are funny and artistic
that are mostly optimistic
boys that are not very lazy
a little weird but not too crazy
boys that aren't afraid to cry
that will always give a second try
and will try to do their best
i want a boy not like the rest
State Of Emergency 2

which is kinda like a comic book style of Grand Theft Auto.
But with more storyline and style.. and its more arcade style above all else.
A good game to just get into and whack the heck out of officers and gangsters.

I think thats pretty much it.. :)
ahaha~ I still get sad from time to time..
But overall I'm still content with my life...
Still unsure of what the future holds... But for right now.. its not half bad..
I still get lonely at times :( but thats unavoidable i guess?

I dont say it openly but my mind has been set on the fact that maybe;
Happiness is just an illusion.
Which makes me feel as though nothing is really important anymore.
aha~ :) thats all i have to post..
Thanks for reading ^^
Oh, last month.. Poema had a Q&A video,
they posted on facebook asking people if they had any questions they want answered.
I posted asking them,
"what kind of guys do you 2 like? or is it all completely the same as the song boys and bugs?"
and they answered it in their video :) ahahax~ its kinda cute how they answered xD
and actually reminded of my mabz cos we chatted about the same thing at that time.
Check it out.
For those who dont know the song;
Boys and Bugs by Poema
Verse 1:
I like boys that like to smile
and laugh at themselves once in a while
that can sit and talk for hours
and in the morning, pick me flowers
boys that like to be very clean
that are never ever mean
and can tell a witty joke
boys that do not like to smoke
One day I'll find you (X4)
Verse 2:
I like boys that aren't afraid of bugs
that will always give me big warm hugs
like to sing and play guitar
that are happy being who they are
boys that like to be outside
and that aren't full of pride
boys that have an honest passion
with at least a slight hint of fashion
Verse 3:
Boys that are funny and artistic
that are mostly optimistic
boys that are not very lazy
a little weird but not too crazy
boys that aren't afraid to cry
that will always give a second try
and will try to do their best
i want a boy not like the rest