Vanity: The Form Of Self-Idolatry, In Which One Rejects God For The Sake Of One's Own Image
I am the kind of person who believes goodness in everyone.
That said, good and evil is inseparable.
So Ultimately I believe in the evil that lurks within every living person as well.
But I choose my friends and foes wisely, if what you show me is not off ill-will and ill-intentions then I shall not judge thee to be evil in any way.
Human... Arent we all such narcissistic bunch? ahaha.

In Forward Form: Injustice In Your Life That Needs To Be Justified.
Reversed Form: Life Going Out Of Balanced (current or near future)
But alas, who are we to judge what is right and what is wrong?
Tis' no urban legend that people believe that Justice in blind..
In truth.. she really is...
I dont know the story behind the whole belief.
Maybe she judge people too much and had her eyes crawled out of her face.
Maybe she was born blind. but either way.
The reason she's portrayed as such; is cos, most crime are not seen, but only heard.
where the offense and defense argue about their own beliefs of 'The Truth'.
For justice to be done accordingly. But how is it justified if Justice herself is blind?
Whose to say what is right and what is wrong?
Who are we to judge the being of this world?
Justice? In this world. You must be joking.
A world where killers roam free.
Murderers considered heroes.
Freedom Fighters called Terrorist.

No, This world is not justified.
Darkness has shrouded every living being on this planet.
And what do we do? we judge all the rest just as how wrongly judge everyone else is.
We are not them, we dont not know what they think nor feel.
But if an act is done against another; It is a crime, regardless of the offender's self-emotion.
But Justice is not served for these crimes, sufferings given but no one saves the sufferer.
The world is bad enough as it is.
Why do people continue to make it worse?
ahaha.. Justice holds a balance. Its within that balance that at times..
Good is rewarded for their deeds, and the Evil punished. Also.. at times.
Evil is set free and the Good imprisoned.
Tis' a balance to balance this world. in both chaos and harmony.
Peace and War, no difference in one another.
So for me.. Emotionally I may be weak.
I may hate and I may love.
But i choose to hate and love everyone and everything around me.
Good or bad. No.. Good AND bad.. I accept.
For I am balanced just like anyone else.
Only human. I aint perfect. ahahax.
Tho it's just a choice if i wanna be that perfect.
A simple choice.
A choice that lately i dont seem to be making lately..
I've been down... ahahax. but still up..
I feel messed up but still alright.
I'm reminded of something, I still want a tattoo :X And the thing that reminds me of is... Someone once said she would get a tattoo on her neck if I got a tattoo too. I wonder if that offer still stands..? :P
nothing much happening lately... its friday.
Going to KL tomorrow. sigh~!
Uhmm I guess that's it.. heh!
Been thinking of looking for someone.. But dunno how I should do so.. Sigh!
Nehh! That's pretty much it I guess.
Nothing much for me to say. I'm just bored.... and this topic just came to mind today.
Justified? Clearly not. But who cares. Tis' Life.
I Know that in the past if I'd taken a different choice, I might not have became the way i am now.
I would have had a better life, better friends. and I wouldnt have had to face the things I faced all alone..
But I did, And it was in those moments that my shall we say 'innocent' blood was tainted by darkness of injustice.
My soul holds hatred and unforgiveness
But, I truly wonder if that year, my choice was made differently would it had stop the darkness from reaching me?
Would I not be who I am today? or would I have become worst instead?
But.. Well i guess the past is as it should be, nothing can be changed for it.
Nothing can be done about it..
Sigh~~~ I wish I had someway to contact you.
Forgive my random ramblings. tis' a blog afterall.
Goodnight all, peace and love peeps :)