we talked abit while waiting. LOL!
kinda dull really. x_X
went on our way to mcD at around 3:40+
reach around 4:30.
Had mcD breakfast meal.
chat and talk summore. then a few minutes before 5.
Lady Gaga walked into the place.
and were like chatting on FB about hw crazy it is to see lady gaga at mcD at 5am!
LOL! Actually it was just a wannabe la. but still. :S crap!
I guess only freaks go mcD eat at 4:30+ in the morning. :B
ROFL! awesome!
Started moving at around 5+
road to Sematan damn dark at that time. xD cant see the road at all actually.
Very nice experience. I love it o__O! the whole driving in the dark thing.
LOL especially when the winding roads got holes.
lalala~ anyway! at around 6+am.
I felt a strange presence when looking out the window staring at the forest.
It was like, there was a eerie sense of calm and peace mixed with disturbing insecurity.
yes I made a mental note so I can post that part out. LOL!
anyway~ reached the town area of sematan at around 6:30+. talked.
went kopitiam, drink and waste time awhile.
around 7:30. went open beach to rest awhile more.
Then went into palm beach at around 8.
paid 5 ringgit entrance fee each to get in.
At first everyone was still okay and active.
then after awhile of playing and talking.
Like about 10am. everyone started to get tired.
and wondering when are the others getting here.
then finally everyone felt tired of waiting and almost feel like dying.
lol.. i think we waited from 8 till 1+ before Stella and the rest reached.
they called Valerie and found out the registration was under her Husband's name. shyt.
LOL! so we went to our room, then plan to go bbq.
we took the stuff, and went bbq. marcus was tired so he went to sleep instead.
the bbq failed cos, someone forgot to bring the fan and clippers. =.=
and the fire wont start. and when we started it, it started to rain.
then Elton, Miguel and Jarvis gave up and went to swim in the rain.
Left me and Shaamil at the pondok. LOL!
i just sat around and stared at the sea & feeling the breeze really.
While he was still busy attempting to start the fire.
which eventually he did! despite the rain.
LOL! and cooked the food.
ate abit. the rest came to join. cept elton.
around 3pm after eating went back to our rooms and rested awhile.
bathed and chatted awhile. then everyone died off in bed. LOL!
I tried to sleep but couldnt.
ended up listen to songs on my phone till 6+
tried to call the rest up for dinner, but no one woke.
So i ended up going for dinner with Stella, Callie, Justin & Edwin.
Who were living next door.
The dinner isnt that great, even though its buffet. LOL!
well to me la, nothing special really. chatted and ate abit.
And thats pretty much it.
After eating went back to the rooms, Marcus was still awake then.
LOL but the rest was still asleep, woke them up and then they went to eat.
I spent my time with Justin and the rest in the room next door.
Playing card games. LOL! soo random.
After that went into Treasure hunt event.
Kinda stupid. But still ok la. xD
teamed up with the seniors and Callie for the event.
duhh~ finished the first part fast.
2nd part also not bad. blah blah blah.
Overall lost the game to another group.
But the prize was only junkfood, wtf.
LOL! then went back to rooms.
bathed awhile. chat and filmed abit.
blah blah blah nothing much really.
around 11+ I went next door again.
waste time talking and playing cards.
While my group on the other side wanted to bbq!
but then they found out they lost the bbq stove. WTF!
so ended up they cooked the sausages using the water boiler in the room.
O_O! wtf! LOL! while me in the other room, played cards, ate junk food.
and they chia me cup of mee. LOL! :)
Soo nice~ thankius! :X LOL!
anyway! played till 1+.
I went back to my room, to rest awhile.
Couldnt sleep still tho.
at around 3+am Callie msged, she couldnt sleep either.
we ended up hanging out and walking around the area for awhile.
before going back to the terrace to sit in the living room talking about random stuff.
Not bad to actually hang out and talk :)
actually its nice to have someone to really talk and have open-heart conversation with.
very far range of topics la xD but mostly about relationships, guys and gals, and gays?
LOL.. yeahhh~ damn random. xD
we went out for abit again at around 5+, nothing much to do again.
She finally felt tired so went back to the terrace to sleep,
and i found my houseroom door locked! and can guess who locked it.
LOL! elton. ==! so ended up crashing at next door living room xD
but i still couldnt sleep. :S
till 6+ then next door people all woke d.
went in, rest awhile while everyone else sleep.
duhh, of course spending one whole night out,
would earn me a bunch of random bullying by them.
sigh! LOL!
endured. :\ later on went for breakfast at around 8am.
then 9 back room, uhh the rest went beach.
I went to lie down for an hour.
then we went on our way back home d. :)
Finally slept in Marcus's car. LOL!
reach home.
straight into bed and slept from 1:30 till 10pm xD
ate, bath, fb. then went back to sleep at 1am till 9 am. :)
shud be enuf sleep d la..
ahahahax.. fun... xD
I love my friends!
& I love staying up late at night.
ah! i think if i can, I wouldnt wanna sleep at all. :\
so yeah! thats pretty much my trip..
TRAGIC. like everything we wanna do = fail.
Even the video part.
the place wasnt as big or as fancy or watever as we planned it to be.
So cacat. so we gonna use all the random photos and vids taken as our video.
100ringgit paid for nothing much. :S
and thats it. I do however love learning more about the people around me.
:) tats always nice.