went out with the gang to watch Sucker Punch. :)
Ahahax, Its really really nice.. altho my friends all didnt understand the storyline.
Actually loads of people complained about the story.
D: Which to me, was actually good.
Oh hell!
The movie was Directed, Produced & Written by Zack Snyder.
Thats saying something. LOL!

To people who dont know, He was the director for 300
as well as the 3D animated movie Legend Of The Guardian
So yeah! I'm liking his style :)
Although He also has really sucky movie like... Watchmen. EWW! :X
So Anyway!
I like the whole Sucker Punch storyline.
And also the entire Movie Soundtrack (of which i'm downloading now)
ahahax.. It's well good...
Even the starting where the movie had;
Sweet dreams playing as background music.
Thats always, nice.. :X
And seriously, I guess i like the soundtrack cos
I use to be really into the whole, Underground Goth music blah blah style. LOL!
So yeahhh.
Oh! I love movies about Crazy people. x)
I think I've made that clear.
ahahax, And if the movie shows what mentally ill patients are actually thinking/daydreaming about. Then... Wowww~ Reality is soo boring compared to it. :X
Still I like the whole;
You own the world, you are your own weapon etc.
ehehehe cos I guess that's something I can relate to. cos I think like that most of the time anyway! xD
My Rating = 8/10
It would had been better to actually see the gal dance x__X!
thats the only disappointment. I think... well for me anyway xD
I mean at least the movie is making a clear statement of;
"No matter how broken a person is, they're still human"
tho I think lots a people didnt catch that point while watching the movie :S
In fact, I didnt expect the story to be in this style. ROFL!
But since it is, I enjoyed it xD
Tho my friends were just okay by it.

I mean she's pretty, but still she looks freaky to me :|
But then tis be the 2nd movie I watched, with her acting as a mentally unstable.
So I guess, she looks the part. bahhh! freaky.
Thats pretty much it.. LOL! I dont wanna give too much review cos there're still people who havent watch the movie :)
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