Like got it, shocked, woke up, went back to sleep and it continued. LOL..
3times straight through the night. :\
Twas first about ghosts.. well peaceful spectres who looked totally "eww".
But harmless. but still. gross. anyway..
twas in a house, and I was with my friends.
and we met the ghostly child o__o! so yeahhh. freaky. then he disappeared.
There was a knock at the frontdoor afterwards.
We went towards the door. And tried to open it..
But it was stuck. As if locked. We tried pulling it open.
Just to pull back a few moments later as the wooden door glowed.
It turned into a mirror. But it didnt reflect anything..
it was pitch black.
Then I looked into it and saw one of my friend's reflection.
But not truly his, but a more pale, ghostly version..
My friends behind me saw it too, He then walked towards his ghostly reflection.
And the Horror movie cliche happened. He got pulled into the mirror by his own image.
And then the door turned back to normal.
Woke up after that..
Went back to sleep.
It continued after the doorknock, my friend was still there at that time.
Kinda like you reloaded a save file :S
so, doorknock. Wanted to open it but again it was stuck.
But then the door shook.
We all backed away.
And suddenly 3spectres walked through the door.
one fat, one skinny, one moderate.
I dont remember their dead faces, so I cant describe.
They hissed out a "hello"
and the skinny one pulled out a switchblade,
and stuck it on my friend nearest to him.
woke up again.
ah hell, went back to sleep.
part 3.
Twas about Demons now! wooowww
We were on a road trip me and my friends.
(it was kinda like MCR's Nanana song theme. as in the whole desert scene kind of thing)
So yeah... car broke down halfway.
We tried restarting it but couldnt.
There wasnt any phone signal on anyone's handphone.
Tried pushing the car, but it was damn hot.
So we decided to just walk to the closest repair shop in that area.
Whats weird was everywhere was soo empty and deserted.
Then as we were walking, one of my friend was falling behind.
We looked back to see him standing still.
We asked him what's wrong but no response.
then he fell to the ground. arms wrapped around his body, as if trying to hold himself together.
We walked closer only to see his skin ripped apart. and turned inside out, before exploding.
Anyway, There was a shadow in the background, I couldnt see his face or whatever.
But he had a very very scary grin.
And after that I woke up completely.
Not wanting to sleep again for the night.
LOL! So yeah! I didnt rest at all last night! ISH!!
Its.. kinda interesting.
But still ewww. :\
oh! the friend taht died wasnt the same one in any of the 3dreams.
each one different person... uhh yeahhh..
So anyway..
I guess I havent been that well lately...
I feel like I might be getting sick.
Sigh! I hope not though...
SIGH! I dont know isit due to the nightmares or what.
But I really dont want to get sick.
So am going to sleep right after this post x)
I havent been doing much lately.
Just assignments assignments assignments
Went to church last sat, we all did the whole Prayer Competition thing :)
It was nice... Well actually.. to be perfectly honest, Being on stage feels nice.
ahahahax after service we grouping celebrated
HuiTing's bday :) along with Winnie's Belated Bday
Did I mention; I Love My CellGroup? Yeahh! I love my CG! xD
Although I cant help but think we all can still grow closer as a group somehow. :S
Anyway! The day after that, went to Pastor. Paul Ang's Service
All I can remember is his cute smile; and his phrase for the sermons
"Are You Bearing Fruits? If You Do Not Bear Fruits, Then You Are A Nut."
ROFL! Yeahhhh~
Which got me thinking about a bunch of random stuff.
And I think I really really got my future planned properly d.
All I need now is to work hard. :)
and hope its the path I'm suppose to be on.
Blah! ahahax :)
Anyway! going out later in the afternoon. MAYBE.
Hopefully it'd get my mind off all the weird things.
Still lotsa people I wanna hang out with soon tho :\
that's pretty much it i guess.
rofl. I love this song more and more.
Olive you. xD
Oh! I know how to play Jay Chou's "AnJing" on Classical Guitar :DDD yay!
ROFL! :x
But only the notes tho. :\
not the chords. cos I still not used to the whole notes+chords thing. :S
Oh! and did i mention my Guitar Teacher rocks?
not only is he an epicly awesome guitarist.
He's one charismatic dude. and can make good points when lecture.. I mean "talking" :X
Last sat during class, pretty much chatted with him.
Ahahahax xD
He was like talking about, how Graphics Design and Multimedia nowadays really mafan.
And should decide now, where to go after studying.
Since malaysian dont appreciate these kind of things much.
Then he pulled out an example.
his name card. He said it was made by his friend.
And charged him only 18ringgit for 100 of the namecard.
he said;
"Look at this namecard. It isnt great, but it cost only 18ringgit to have 100 printed out.
how do you think people like this can survive? I mean, if you go photostat the card 100 is like 20ringgit. How much can he earn really?"
and random stuff like that.
Which as well, got me thinking of my future more. ahahax so yeahh.
Been planning and thinking alot lately.
anyway! that's all.
Good Night Everybody.
xoxo. Love and Peace :)
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