So anyway! My week's been bumpy and fun.
And I'm broke! ahahax! so what's been up wit my life???

A reason why I skipped CG meeting.. Opps!
I wasnt on purpose.. The CG meeting was announced last minute.. sigh!
but i'm going to the next meeting :D
so anyway! Hanged with Alyn at Hills mall. Pfft!
She was sick, but we still ended up eating at Sushi King.
Caught up with recent events in her life.
and a bunch of random stuff.
We talked about how we use to communicate through Table Conteng art, When she was in Afternoon classes and I was in morning classes back in SMK SM.
And she reminded me that She and I were actually in the same tuition back in Primary school.
I didnt remember her. OPPS! :X but then we never talked back then.
Ahahax So yeah.. It was interesting.. We spent our time eating, talking and sketching artwork.
Even talked about her craze over.... Yaoi characters... :\ uhh! yeahh! annoying topic!
met her mum afterwards too. talked to her abit. then was on my way home.
Ahahax.. Oh yes! i paid for her meal, thus my broke-ness. xD but its worth it.
She's been down due to her SPM result + being sick,
so its nice to see my sis smile, even if just a bit.
:) ALYN!
Wishing You All The Best In Life, And Hope To Meet Up Wit You Again Before You Leave For KL D:
That's pretty much it for my sunday.. uhmm.. Monday and Tuesday,
I've been struggling, pushing, and doing all my assignments.
I love doing last minute burnout of my work, Cos its rather fun.
So yeah... I Love Having Insomnia, Having Adrenaline Rushes, And Frustration That Makes Me Go GAHHH! :)
ahahax, but the payout is not bad.
I have had countless Praises for being Awesome, 伟大, Soo Rock. blah blah blah.
Rofl, BUT the best praise of the week doesnt go to them tho. xD
I mean i had to like compile the whole assignment, Redo one person's part of the assignment, and create the slideshows. Though it's relatively easy.
I prefer not doing anything and get praises xD

I mean hell! I know she's a freelance singer for tooth & nails, but i never thought she'd reply.
And seriously,
the most epic thing ever is having an amazing & pretty singer commenting "Your Awesome" on facebook. ROFL! Yes I Know I'm Being Lame! :)
No.2 would be from my sis, mabz :P for calling me, her; ""Dear Beloved Brother"" ROFL! Only cos it's not a common thing for me to be called xD so yeah!
thennn~ no.3 goes to my Marketing sub groups mate. pfft!
anyway!!! MABEL is going to SEGi College next week. I actually have not much comment for that tho. pfft! just glad she found SEGi to her liking x) Hope to see you around sis! :DD xoxo
BF BF BF! You're Spamming Less And Less.. each time you get on here :( its a bit disappointing! LOL! ah well.. Jiayou in your studies too!!!
So back to ME~~~
I think i'm learning to be more patient each day. ahahax
and I figured, as long as i'm alive, the world isnt gonna end anytime soon.
cos I know God still has his plan for me. And I also Know that no matter how much I wanna run away from it, or how many times I stumble or how I wanna just end everything.
it wouldnt do anything at all. Cos it's God's will. And altho that may seem sucky at times.
Thinkin it through, I find it rather sweet that I'm being kept alive.
Rather it be through hell and torment, or happiness and smiles.
I'm being kept alive for a reason and purpose.
:) And With that I've found my reason to have hope in life.
I've start reading House Of Night Book 5, ahahax, still loving the series :B
I dunno why, I just find the books interesting somehow.. Mehhhh!
That said.. Lately been seeing loads of couples sweet and happy,
having what seems to be a good life and maybe a chance at a "Happily Ever After"
And It got me thinkin alot, I figured, waiting is no big deal. rofl.
if anything it probably saves me from countless broken hearts before meeting/starting a relationship with the right person
Actually, I have been thinking about it, And wondered if Soulmates actually existed.
That 2 people can be soo alike that , when they think something like;
"Someday I'm gonna go Paris and find my true love there"
And then they mark their calender on the same day, and reaching the place they hope to meet their soulmate.
And actually found each other at the same location, at the same time. :)
I mean having unlimited numbers of people in the world,
I'm pretty sure there's gotta be one out there that might be thinking the same thing.
So yeah... I know i have a VERY active imagination.. But that doesnt mean others dont too :)
and that has been my week soo far~~~
:) Having marketing presentation tomorrow.. uhh yay? xD
That's pretty much it, So peace and love people. XOXO
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