Got ALMOST 100 wishes on facebook and handphone. I should know, i replied them all. +_+ too eng eh? xD
ahahax. :) but starting on 5th June.
I'd like to firstly thank Adel for dragging me out oh-so-suddenly.
ahahax, her driving rawks! dunno why erica always complains about it xP
ahem! neway, wanted to watch Pirates of the Caribbeans but... it was full.
This would be the 2nd time i went there wanting to watch that, but couldnt. :O
ended up eating and talking at the food court. :) joked around.
and awwww, she chia me ice-cream. ahahax xD
Seriously thats more than enough d. *Sugar-high* LOL! xD
So yeah! thankius lots for that. No wonder I call ue a bestfriend rite?! xD ahahax *Love!*
Oh Yeah! also 3 days before my bday hanjing already wish me happy birthday. damn Kiasu one. XD then on 5th june was... Stella said happy birthday, and self-proclaimed her kiasu-ness. then her boyfriend wished me happy birthday in the afternoon. More kiasu-ness.
SEGi Art Faculty = Si Beh Kiasu lor~ ahahax cute tho. Cute dao~~~
ahahax. thennn... Callie wished me happy birthday, cos i was havin post-bday-blues. LOL!
Sweet hor? ahem! ahahax she sent me an actual bday greetin on the actual day too :)
then unexpectedly... at 11pm Pric wished me an early happy birthday..
I was well surprised. so thanks. I really dunno what to say really. :| uhh yeahh....
Uhmmm~ hmmm..
Oh yeah first few to wish me happy birthday was Eric's Sis, Amelia :D and Ah-Chan. LOL!
2 of the people i didnt expect to wish me first. then came flooding in a few random ones.
from church people, school people etc. :)
ZR and Dor were the unique one. cos they tagged my name as status to wished me. pahaha; sweet wei!~and actually very kiasu too! aiyo~
ahahax, Lingsan and Adel also wished me on fb with sweet words.
Bf's one was unfair! :( I'm disappointed yo. boo you! LOL! :P
jk ahahax thanks for the chat wish bf :) love ya!
and thenn.. Ohh the St.Marians wished me too. ahahax I didnt think they'd either. If anything they have the most comments in their wish comment box ROFL!
Uhmmm~ my cell group only wished me on the actual day after waking up xD
Yating jie wished me before I went to college :) with sms.
Then Catherine wished me when i was in class and ask if i was going CG and stuff. LOL!
she was half-dead herself with no sleep and all that. huh.. busy with church stuff i guess
Mabel left me an fb bday wish too! ahahax xD sweet sis! :P xoxo
Then Roland was the coolest one lor, sent me sms; "Today your bday rite?" wait me to reply yes, then he wished me happy bday xD LOL! cute bro -_-!
Erica wished me when i was in class too :) ahahax thankius.
Destiny! she wished me later in the evening. Tho her wishing me is more than enough d. Thanks sis. Gambateh in your dance, sorry i cant watch :|
Alyn too, thanks! wish u didnt have to leave soo soon tho :S
Nish wanted to get me McD for my bday woowww, ahahas paiseh tho, so told her no :X
Sweet sister JiaJing ahahax sent me a sweet wish on facebook too :) all the from Sabah ah! ahahax *Love Love Love*.
A few wishes from Solomon B, and other CG from church. :)
Multimedia dudes gave me a PS3 link as my bday gift on Facebook.
LOL! i nicknamed their group the Gay Brigade. whoops :B jk ya? thanks y'all! xD
ahahx.. :)
But still there's no place like home!
ahahax My mum bought me Blueberry Cheesecake & A DragonFruit for my bday.
Enough liao. wowww~ perfect! LOL!
uhhmmm~ then today! Jing came back from his trip and he gave me.
A Hidan Akatsuki Blade Keychain Wooowwww~
Nothing says "You're Awesome!" better than a DeathGod Scythe Keychain.
LOL! Gay hor?! ROFL!

We planned today got watch X-men.
But wanted to goto the Gundam shop first. :O
Cos Jing bought a Gundam Destiny from his trip to KL o.O 200++
ahahax check the kuching price and all that lor.
anyway! feng suddenly said he wanted to get me gift,
pick anything i wan. LOL! but i only want the Zaku II F2000 ahahax
:) So no, too expensive xP but he said he help me pay abit when i wanna buy it lor :)
ahahax thats soo sweet~ sweet dao~~~~~~ also Gay ah! :P
ahahax! jk :) Brothers xD wheee
I think all of us kena Feng infected d. ==! all want to have at least one gundam. LOL!
Anyway! went on to MBO!
FAIL! 3rd time this has Happened wei! first time ended up watch Karal ==, 2nd time ended up with Icecream. and today like this?!
Hall closed?!
Due to... uhh~ Safety procedure. wth?
chia dato'/datuk then say la! Safety procedure. pui! LOL!
actually i dunno la. :) but really the whole hall closed off. God knows what happened. :S
O_O! someone heartattack when watching Xmen? :O
who knows... so no movie.
Ended up at Jing's place. talked and stuff. then ric n feng came here lepak awhile.
Talked, Guitar, Computer, Anime, Cake, Leave.
ahahax. mehh not bad la...
This morning class, not bad too.
A total of 11 new students joined Multimedia this semester. woowwww~
ahahax tho i dunno any of them.
Tho a few were from Sungai Maong before. I've seen them before.
hmmm. so yeah! :) overall it was okay..
Tho Kenny's lecture was uber boring.
Pas.Kel sent me a belated bday wish then too. he apologized for the delay as he was busy wit a funeral yesterday :) of course nvm la..
oh yeah, Got my results too.
Marketing A- , Digital Audo & Video A- , Flash Animation A, and the disppointment! KENNY's class :X 2D & 3D design B. :( the only one with no distinction. sigh! i hate ue! LOL!
but then I have 4 classes with him tis sem :(
But there's a few people that didnt wish me a bday wish till now. ahahax.. Disappointed wei!
.. but then, a bday isnt that important i guess. :) ahahax she's busy having fun and being busy too xD ahahax. Still love ya, u know who u r ;)
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