So first off,
we have a new Lecturer for Multimedia course.
Polly, Welcome To SEGi College :D
She rocks~ and is a whole lot better lecturer than the previous one.
My friends in Graphics Design are wishing they could retake their previous subject to learn from this lecturer.
ahahahax~ I wish to do the same as well..
or maybe i'll just attend her lectures when my Juniors have her class :S

Which is mainly about Magazine Publishing.
Thats the class my friends in GD wants to retake! ROFL
Anyway, that class;
I was.. the only senior in that class :S
but its fun to hang out with the juniors.. ahahhax~

Which of course, is quite simple. I mean i do own a blog with HTML and CSS coding all over it. :S
But it was fun :D~
I can feel my brain finally receiving some new and actually learning useful info.
Taught by a lecturer and not Youtube :S
Yay! good lecturer = no more youtube tutorial @.@
uhh~ yeahh~ but i'm curious how the assignments lined up are gonna be like..

had Photography class.
Went to Waterfront to take photos, of anything and everything.
kinda fun.. tho the heat was abit too much.
But still its funnn~ XD ahahahax I'm lovin my DSLR more n more~

Comparing ActionScript vs. HTML. I prefer HTML cos it seems more...
Uhmm.. American? LOL! wat with codes like "img src" (Image Source) is easier to read than..
MouseX=X++... wth is that?! Algebra? LOL!
So yeahh~ afternoon.
Was suppose to be a class to teach us After Effects but due to technical problems.
we ended up learning about photoshop.
LOL! I always photoshop stuff...
and her methods make wat I did last time seem too time consuming.
So I'm thankful. and at the same time, remembered how awesome it feels to use photoshop.
Since I havent touched that program in like Ages~~~
So heres the pic I did~
Obviously, It's TaylorSwift inspired. ROFL!

but I dont think she knows~ (sad!)
Overall I like how it turned out, tho it seems quite simple. ahahax
In other news~!
Cant wait for 4th september!
am going out to watch Final Destination !!! with my friends and a new group of people.
Hope it goes well~ la la la~ :\ hmmm~
uhh~ yeahhh~
And then....

cant wait. xD ROFL!
It was one of the best Zeon Mobile Suit back in the first original Gundam series.
I think it was the first of many mobile suits that can counter the Gundams.
("This Is To My Friend;
I Hate You SOO MUCH For Spreading Your Gundam Model Poison To Me :\ ... and everyone else around you =__=! ")
So yeah! it looks wicked awesome, and its cheap! :D so cant wait for that~

mmm hmmmm~
Gonna download and watch No.6 episode8 tomorrow.
no more animes to watch currently except for that.
and I guess that's it for now. :)
Will update again later in the afternoon if I'm too bored.
Love n Peace All!
Oh! Just for fun~
Here's A Very Awesome Class Photo, from Singapore
(i think, at least thats what the post said) pahahax!
To think that back in high school all our class photos were soo ugly. o.O!
Oh well~

~Byeh All~
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