First day of the new semester today!
Had Design Method & Multimedia Content Development.
Huh... I thought it'd be something crazy hard..
Turns out, I WAS RIGHT. rofl
so, its like what..
Both subjects are more Theory-based than creation-based.
means there's a guideline and laws to follow to do the work to the standard needed.. damn~
Final would be on Interior Design for Design Method.
And 3D content for Multimedia Content Development.
The notes we took today are crazy!
Especially with the new management style
-_- have to do soo many things suddenly.
Stressing this sem? maybe..
But Plus side, I'll be on holiday from this classes until next month.
Lecturer goin on holiday. rofl XD
So.. well its nice seeing everyone again :D
as lame as weird and loud as they can be sometimes.
I can say i mish havin classes.. LOL
coming back to the hectic class is like... uhmmm the storm after the calm.
:) yesh. its the other way around.
what to do~~

ahahax :) afternoon class was with the juniors.
My twin had straighten her hair too! -__- really like twin eh.. both straight hair.
LOL! that aside, Class was more boring in the afternoon.
I think maybe cos I was too tired d.
All in all it was a good day.
I got my result for last sem too!

Interactive Web Design : B+
Interactive Programming : B
Multimedia Design 2 : A-
Electronic Publishing : A-
Good enough? to me.. yes. :)
but my lecturer said she's unhappy with the result the exam unit came out with.
cos she thinks that deserved better results.
wooww :D awesome lecturer.
mmhmm~ Other than that..
nothing else much to update on, I'm just really tired...
Morning till Evening class then just now Guitar lesson. wooo~
I'm beat! gonna head of to bed early.

I always use this sign, but I'm not sure if the people i wave to, know what it means.
Its a sign for saying =
Goodbye/Its the end of the day/wish for a good day tomorrow
Goodbye/Its the end of the day/wish for a good day tomorrow
Jaa ne~~ (Cya)
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