"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allan Poe
Wow, its already the 8th!
Classes start tomorrow D:
So what have I been busying myself with?
Nothing really...
Ahh its already a new year and I havent done anything worthwhile!
boring life :(
uhmm yeah!
Oh about the pic above, its Edgar Allan Poe, the poet who wrote The Raven. He rocks XD
and there's gonna be a movie about him this year, called The Raven.
And the role of Edgar will be played by John Cusack :D Cant wait for this movie.

Movie's about an investigation on a series of murders. Of which the murders are all related to Edgar's poems. xD ahahahax where Edgar Allan Poe (John Cusack) teams up with a detective to catch the culprit.
Other than that..... hmm... I've searched n found movies i'd wanna watch this year..
I already have my list of movies to watch :)

Other than that..... hmm... I've searched n found movies i'd wanna watch this year..
I already have my list of movies to watch :)

New year resolution.. uhmm i dont actually have one..
cept my goal is to be/remain one of the best student in my college course~ rofl! xD
hmmm~ Finish Basic Guitar, then take up Japanese class maybe.
Probably I'll try to find a part-time job to do.
Get a nice haircut that will last me awhile (still dont know what to go with)
Oh oh! maybe make a new best friend :) or at least reconnect with a past best friend.
Then, help out in church? If i ever get over myself :S lol...I'm such a sinner.. aahh~
uhmm~ then after this year, if I finish college by then.
I think I might move over to KL to find work, while part-time learning Japanese (if i havent finish taking it yet) and then take those Jap-language paper.
And then see if there's any chance I can 1. further my studies in Jap or 2. work in Jap.
If neither works out I might aim for either Singapore or the States o_o but then I'm not sure how long i have to be working in KL before either of those choices can be open up to me :(
oh well! that's for another time.
so for this year. I'm just gonna leave everything as simple as it already is. :)
The Simple Life, The Best Choice :D
Aiight.... Other random stuff...
I really wanna go out, cos there's someone I have to meet before that person leaves D:
but there's just no time :( crap! Dilemma 1.
I have a Christmas gift I'm suppose to give someone on X-mas but couldnt meet up n the gift is still with me, still unsure how to pass it now. :( Dilemma 2.
have a safe trip back to KL and jiayou in your studies. Although we only met once, we dont chat often or know each other well.. :\ mmhmm~ Support ue!~ lol!~ :) cheers.
mehh!~ I dont really know what I'm talking about now XD
mmhmm... class start tomorrow, wonder how it's gonna be like :(
Lately I've just been soo alone! but then at the same time,
me gettin' comfy in this lonely state xD

I'll face this world on my own n rule it with a grin on my face, ngehehehe!
N before I forget this,
My list of movies to watch =
My list of movies to watch =
The Hunger Games (Based off the novel)
Dark Knight Rises (Batman! :D)
The Avengers (Just cos everyone else is watching)
Ghost Rider 2 (A Hero who eats the soul of the villains, whats not to like?)
The Hobbit (Only cos' i liked the game and novel)
Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter (Just for laughs, interesting concept.)
The Raven (John Cusack, n cos I like Edgar Allan Poe)
Battleship (Transformers Director xD)
Gone (Amanda Seyfried :D)
Dark Shadows (Tim Burton + Johnny Depp)
Snow White & the Huntsman (Kristen Stewart)
Prometheus (Aliens vs Predator Creator)
Step Up 4ever (Dance!)
Resident Evil: Retribution (Zombies o.o)
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (Cos part 1 wasn't enough)
Les Misérables (Broadway Musical remake + Taylor Swift + Amanda Seyfried)
47 Ronin (Samurai :D)
Dark Knight Rises (Batman! :D)
The Avengers (Just cos everyone else is watching)
Ghost Rider 2 (A Hero who eats the soul of the villains, whats not to like?)
The Hobbit (Only cos' i liked the game and novel)
Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter (Just for laughs, interesting concept.)
The Raven (John Cusack, n cos I like Edgar Allan Poe)
Battleship (Transformers Director xD)
Gone (Amanda Seyfried :D)
Dark Shadows (Tim Burton + Johnny Depp)
Snow White & the Huntsman (Kristen Stewart)
Prometheus (Aliens vs Predator Creator)
Step Up 4ever (Dance!)
Resident Evil: Retribution (Zombies o.o)
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (Cos part 1 wasn't enough)
Les Misérables (Broadway Musical remake + Taylor Swift + Amanda Seyfried)
47 Ronin (Samurai :D)
Oh yeah! Totally ready for the upcoming movies! :D
and in other news.. my sources tell me that;

ahahax tho rumors say its gonna suck :( so i'll just wait n see...
Other than that, no other game news.. pfft...

Dont know about any other singers/bands... hmmmmm
My current no.1 playlist = Christian Rock Band with Female Vocalist o_o
Icon For Hire , Flyleaf , Fireflight , Eowyn ..
yesh very rock, metal, punkish. lol but still they sooth my ever emotional heart.
playlist no.2 = Yui
All her songs really... ahahax xD happy songs with gentle guitar strumming = LOVE!
Anyway.. yeahh~
Nothing much to update on...
My life hasnt have any drastic turn of events in a while aswell.. :(
It feels like I'm getting empty or running out of something, but i dont know what :\
Oh well! New Year~~
I should just do what want to, and see what happens
No Doubts, No Hesitations, No Regrets
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