"In order to find yourself, you need to get lost in the forest of life." - Mike Dolan
The last couple of months has been a rather roller coaster ride for me.
I'm currently jobless and looking for a uni to enroll to.
and yet at the same time, i'm not sure if that's what I should really be doing.
I'm not even sure what course to take if I were to enroll into a uni.
and a part of me is just so tired of life itself.
I am/was at a lost a complete lost...
yet, in the past couple of weeks I was found.
I rededicate my life.. though no fully (yet) to my spiritual life.
trying to be more active in church... sort of.
I transferred myself to another cell group,
because I know that if I don't take the step, I probably never will.
So today I went up jungle tracking with the group and other church mates.
I'm not an outdoorsy person, so it was kinda sorta tiring for me.
especially THAT early in the morning. ahahaha
and the sun was freakin hot..
but complains aside, seeing how the youth groups were so energetic in there was entertaining.
and I know that at some point my mum likes nature walks really.
I think that's also part of the reason I decided to go,
since I personally dont like things like this, so I'd probably never bring mum there.
And if I were to leave Kuching and never come back.
I'd probably never get the chance to goto stuff like this ever again.
Still she had fun, so that's good. Especially since she was practically hanging out with strangers.
So I'm grateful for that part of the trip.
I got to spend time with ALPHA cellgroup, although it seems rather awkward for me still.
I just don't like socializing, never did. But maybe someday I will?
Perhaps... maybe.. I still don't know much about them.

(props to my CGL for the photo)
At any rate, the trip~
had to wake up at 7 just to get ready to meet up with the mates at 101.
Then went all the way up to Bau, for the jungle tracking which lasted about 2 hours.
Afterwards went down to Wind cave,
and then to lunch at a food court near Tasik Biru *translates: Blue Lake.
and then to lunch at a food court near Tasik Biru *translates: Blue Lake.
Last destination was the lake itself.
Where we all gathered talked and hanged out for a while before heading back home.
It was a rather... eventful day. Even though I really am not the type of person to really enjoy outings like this..
It was fun, and seeing how much *someone* has become such a great leader kinda left me in awe.
Like how my (possibly) bad decision in the past, could leave such a big gap between the differences and level on the both of us.
At some point, it made me wanna do more,
to get back on the same level as her, or perhaps even surpass her.
When I was in form4 I had a dream to study Theology, I never told anyone this except my closest friend.
But after awhile, after i got into a serious relationship that deeply broke me at the end.
I was left broken for a longgg time, that which I felt without the need to live my life anymore.
I'm still broken, and the scars on my heart will never heal.
I should've known better than to love soo deeply.
or at least I should've been more stable back then... whatever the case though.
I should've known better than to love soo deeply.
or at least I should've been more stable back then... whatever the case though.
These scars are perhaps the ones that'd take me through the times ahead.
Which is why, I've decided to devote myself to church more... slowly aha.
and eventually if God wills it, head for the desire i once had to enter theology.
Personally, I've always had a desire to change the world.
To bring about a revolution, but seeing the world today.
The demotivated people around me, the lack of reason in the society around me.
I feel that there's no real way for me to change the world if I was just part of the society.
Even leaders now do not have authority within their own country.
It is truly a saddening sight to know that, the world is breaking.
And there's no real way to unite it.
And there's no real way to unite it.
Even if war were to happen, it would not bring about an economic race that came like after WW2.
for if there was a war now, it'd completely destroy the world and everyone within it.
At a political standpoint, there's no longer a way to save the world or its people from their ways.
Even at a marketplace/economical standpoint the world is dying.
Technology standpoint, there's no longer anything people can create that can fix the world only to destroy it more.
So all that's left is a religious standpoint.
Perhaps if my desire was strong enough I'd be able to change the world from this point,
even if just as a small part.
even if just as a small part.
Why do I want to change the world in the first place?
I always liked the thought of a revolutionary change. As I believe that the world would be stronger united under one rule, rather than hundreds. Indeed Conquerors of the past have tried to rule the world, but their vision were flawed as their greed and wrath clouded their overall judgement.
I believe that, the world should be made equal. But not in the form of communism, but rather similar to the Earth of Star Trek, in that trilogy/series. People have advanced to a point where money no longer exist and people just do what they do for the sake of serving their planet. Similarly I think that people should embrace teachings like that. A place where greed no longer exist can really boost a world's overall performance.
And if in a religious view, how good it would be if everyone on the earth went back to God. Living under the One way that we were meant to live? Would that not be... a more fulfilling life than the routine we've fixated ourselves to?
But alas, my future is still unclear to me. A vivid desire, does not equal the weight of living it out.
I'm still ultimately unsure of what to do.
A cross to bear, but which to choose?
A cross to bear, but which to choose?
A future unknown. But by God I know eventually I'll make it through.
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